Konflik Dunia Bergeser dari Timur Tengah ke Kawasan Khatulistiwa, kata Panglima TNI

World Conflict Moved of the Middle East to Equatorial Region: TNI Commander

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Konflik Dunia Bergeser dari Timur Tengah ke Kawasan Khatulistiwa, kata Panglima TNI
Panglima TNI Jenderal Gatot Nurmantyo memberi pengarahan kepada calon perwira remaja (Foto2: Puspen TNI)

Jakarta (B2B) - Tantangan yang dihadapi Indonesia di masa mendatang semakin berat, khususnya lokasi konflik dunia yang saat ini terkonsentrasi di Timur Tengah yang dijuluki all spring, akan bergeser ke negara-negara kaya sumber daya alam di kawasan katulistiwa termasuk Indonesia.

Penegasan tersebut dikemukakan Panglima TNI Jenderal Gatot Nurmantyo saat memberikan pembekalan kepada
793 calon perwira remaja TNI dan Polri tahun 2015 di Auditorium Akademi Kepolisian (Akpol) Semarang, Jawa Tengah pada Selasa sore.

“Jika saat ini lokasi konflik dunia berasal di Timur Tengah atau yang kita kenal dengan sebutan all spring maka ke depan konflik dunia akan bergeser ke arah negara-negara dunia kaya akan sumber daya alam yang berada di equator termasuk Indonesia. Itulah ancaman nyata terhadap Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia,” kata Panglima TNI kepada 215 taruna Akademi Militer (Akmil), 100 kadet Akademi Angkatan Laut (AAL), dan 89 karbol Akademi Angkatan Udara (AAU), dan 389 taruna/taruni Polri.

Jenderal TNI Gatot Nurmantyo menambahkan, apabila saat ini konflik-konflik di dunia lebih dari 70% berlatar belakang perebutan energi fosil maka dipastikan ke depan konflik akan berlatar belakang perebutan energi hayati, pangan dan air.

Panglima TNI memberi kiat untuk mengantisipasi ancaman tersebut, dengan mengingatkan 793 calon perwira remaja TNI dan Polri sebagai calon pemimpin di masa depan, bukan hanya mampu menunjukkan kepemimpinan yang andal menghadapi tantangan global, dan mampu memimpin anak buahnya dengan baik.

"Kalian harus mampu menyelesaikan tugas dan kepercayaan dari negara, pemJakarta (B2B) - The challenges faced by Indonesia in the future more and more severe, especially the location of the current world conflicts are concentrated in the Middle East who dubbed all spring, will move to countries rich in natural resources in the equatorial region, including Indonesia, according to Indonesian military commander.

The messages stated by the TNI Commander General Gatot Nurmantyo while gave a briefing to 793 candidates for the military and police officers in 2015 in the Auditorium of the Police Academy in Semarang, Central Java, on Tuesday afternoon.

"If the current world conflict is centered in the Middle East, or known as the all spring, then the future will move to countries rich in natural resources at the equator, including Indonesia. That is the real threat to the Republic of Indonesia," TNI Commander said to 215 cadets of the Military Academy, 100 cadets of the Naval Academy, and 89 cadets of Air Force Academy, and 389 police cadets.

Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo added, if the conflicts in the world more than 70% seizure of oil, then forward more in the struggle for biological energy, food and water.

The TNI Commander gave tips to anticipate the threat, as future leaders, not only must be able to demonstrate leadership reliably. but should be capable of leading the subordinates.

"You should be able to complete the task of the state, the government, and the commander. Although not being the best, but is able to carry out the task. Give the best, brave, honest, and sincere," Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo said.

Also attended Army Chief of Staff, General TNI Mulyono; Navy Chief of Staff, Admiral Ade Supandi; Air Force Chief of Staff, Marshal Agus Supriatna; Central Java Regional Military Commander, Major General Bayu Purwiyono; Military Academy Governor Maj Gen Sumardi, Naval Academy Governor Maj Gen (Mar) Guntur IC Lelono; and Air Force Academy Governor, Air Vice Marshal Abdul Muis.erintah, panglima atau komandanmu. Walaupun tidak menjadi yang terbaik, tapi selesaikan dengan akhir yang baik dan membanggakan. Berbuatlah terbaik, berani, tulus, dan ikhlas," kata Jenderal Gatot Nurmantyo.

Turut hadir Kasad Jenderal TNI Mulyono, Kasal Laksamana TNI Ade Supandi, Wakil Kasau Marsdya TNI Bagus Puruhito, Pangdam IV/Dip Mayjen TNI Bayu Purwiyono, Danjen Akademi TNI Mayjen TNI Harry Purdianto, Gubernur Akmil Mayjen TNI Sumardi, Gubernur AAL Mayjen TNI (Mar) Guntur IC Lelono,  dan Gubernur AAU Marsda TNI Abdul Muis.

Jakarta (B2B) - The challenges faced by Indonesia in the future more and more severe, especially the location of the current world conflicts are concentrated in the Middle East who dubbed all spring, will move to countries rich in natural resources in the equatorial region, including Indonesia, according to Indonesian military commander.

The messages stated by the TNI Commander General Gatot Nurmantyo while gave a briefing to 793 candidates for the military and police officers in 2015 in the Auditorium of the Police Academy in Semarang, Central Java, on Tuesday afternoon.

"If the current world conflict is centered in the Middle East, or known as the all spring, then the future will move to countries rich in natural resources at the equator, including Indonesia. That is the real threat to the Republic of Indonesia," TNI Commander said to 215 cadets of the Military Academy, 100 cadets of the Naval Academy, and 89 cadets of Air Force Academy, and 389 police cadets.

Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo added, if the conflicts in the world more than 70% seizure of oil, then forward more in the struggle for biological energy, food and water.

The TNI Commander gave tips to anticipate the threat, as future leaders, not only must be able to demonstrate leadership reliably. but should be capable of leading the subordinates.

"You should be able to complete the task of the state, the government, and the commander. Although not being the best, but is able to carry out the task. Give the best, brave, honest, and sincere," Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo said.

Also attended Army Chief of Staff, General TNI Mulyono; Navy Chief of Staff, Admiral Ade Supandi; Air Force Chief of Staff, Marshal Agus Supriatna; Central Java Regional Military Commander, Major General Bayu Purwiyono; Military Academy Governor Maj Gen Sumardi, Naval Academy Governor Maj Gen (Mar) Guntur IC Lelono; and Air Force Academy Governor, Air Vice Marshal Abdul Muis.