Syuting Final The Bachelor 2016 di Bali Nyaris Gagal

Filming of Bachelor in Bali was in Jeopardy after the Production Crew Arrived without Correct Permits

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Syuting Final The Bachelor 2016 di Bali Nyaris Gagal
Richie Strahan dan tiga wanita yang menjadi finalis, serta host acara Osher Gunsberg, telah berada di Nusa Dua Bali dengan penerbangan terpisah (Foto: MailOnline)

KONTES mendapatkan bujangan paling top sejagat atau The Bachelor 2016 diharapkan menarik perhatian pemirsa di seluruh dunia, dan pria paling diincar di season empat, Richie Strahan, dan para wanita yang menjadi finalis telah terbang ke Bali untuk merekam episode terakhir.

Namun, The Daily Telegraph mengungkapkan bahwa penayangan program tersebut menghadapi kendala dari otoritas di Bali terkait perizinan.

Dikabarkan kegiatan syuting di Bali tersendat akibat ijin masuk para kru film menjelang syuting di Pulau Dewata, kata media terkemuka Inggris tersebut.

Pada akhirnya, semua masalah berhasil diselesaikan dan dijadwalkan syuting akan segera berlangsung di Bali.

Kegiatan final untuk kontes seri keempat, yang menampilkan Richie Strahan, difilmkan di lokasi yang sangat indah pada 1 Juni.

Channel Ten tidak merahasiakan upayanya bahwa jaringan televisi berupaya menyembunyikan penutup dari seri tahun ini dari reality show terkenal tersebut.

The Daily Telegraph melaporkan pada Juni bahwa produser acara dipanggil oleh militer Indonesia untuk menjauhkan paparazzi dari kegiatan pengambilan gambar sementara mereka telah merekam episode terakhir.

Dan untuk mempertahankan kerahasiaan hasil rekaman, Richie dan tiga wanita yang menjadi finalis, serta host acara Osher Gunsberg, telah berada di Nusa Dua Bali dengan penerbangan terpisah.

Kabar lain menyebutkan bahwa mereka bahkan memakai pintu keluar khusus bandara sebelum mereka diantar sopir menuju akomodasi bintang lima mereka di Sofitel Hotel.

Menurut laporan, pihak keamanan diyakini telah menempatkan petugas keamanan untuk menjaga lokasi terakhir syuting, yang berlangsung di sebuah vila milik pribadi, seperti dilansir MailOnline Australia.

Keterangan lain menyebut: ´Paparazzi bahkan mencoba untuk menyewa helikopter setelah mereka mendarat di Bali, namun mereka terkendala untuk mendapatkan helikopter karena masih menjalani perawatan mesin.´

Ditambahkan: "Namun, meskipun upaya mereka terhalang, paparazzi bakal tetap nekat mencapai lokasi.´

THE BACHELOR 2016 finale could be the most outstanding yet, amid reports that Channel ten flew the show´s season four star, Richie Strahan, and the finalists of the competition to Bali to film the last episodes.

However, The Daily Telegraph has revealed that a slight hiccup involving permits momentarily threatened filming of the highly-anticipated series.

Not having the correct filming permits upon arrival in Bali meant that the show´s crew were stranded for a short time ahead of filming on the island, reports the publication.

In the end, all issues were resolved and scheduled filming went ahead in the tropical paradise.

The final rose ceremony for the show´s fourth series, featuring Bachelor Richie Strahan, was filmed in the idyllic location on June 1.

Channel Ten has made no secret of the lengths that the network has gone to in a bid to conceal the ending of this year´s series of the popular reality show.

The Daily Telegraph reported in June that the show´s producers called in the Indonesian military to keep paparazzi from snapping shots while they filmed the final episode.

And to maintain as much secrecy as possible, Richie and his three final lucky ladies, as well as host Osher Gunsberg, even travelled to the island of Nusa Dua on separate flights.

The publication reported that they even used special airport exits before they were chauffeured to their five star accommodation at the Sofitel hotel.

According to reports, security and Indonesian Independent Army are believed to have guarded the hotel premises on the final day of filming, which was shot in a private villa.

The publication explained: ´Keen paps even tried to hire helicopters once they had touched down on the Indonesian island, only to be told ´all choppers are grounded for maintenance for two days´.´

Adding: ´But despite their effort, it´s understood paps still got the money shot.´

Hinting that he may have indeed found love on the series, Richie told the publication that he was pleased with the outcome.

´I´m definitely happy,´ the 30-year-old hunk stated.

´This has been such an unreal, crazy rollercoaster ride and I´ve loved every moment of it.´