Peran Swasta dalam Kasus Hadi Poernomo Didalami KPK

Indonesia Anti-graft Agency Study Private Party Role in Hadi Poernomo`s Case

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Peran Swasta dalam Kasus Hadi Poernomo Didalami KPK

Jakarta (B2B) - Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) mendalami peran swasta dalam kasus dugaan korupsi terkait penerimaan seluruh permohonan keberatan Wajib Pajak atas Surat Ketetapan Pajak Nihil (SKPN) PPh Badan PT BCA Tbk tahun pajak 1999 dengan tersangka Hadi Poernomo, mantan Ketua Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur Jenderal Pajak.

"Nanti swastanya juga akan dikembangkan, setelah dikembangkan akan ketahuan swastanya siapa, BCA nanti akan kita periksa," kata Wakil Ketua KPK Busyro Muqoddas di gedung KPK Jakarta, Selasa.

KPK menetapkan Hadi Poernomo sebagai tersangka kasus tersebut pada 21 April 2014. Hadi menjabat sebagai Direktur Jenderal Pajak Kementerian Keuangan (Dirjen Pajak) selama 2002-2004.

Menurut Busyro, Hadi diduga melakukan penyalahgunaan wewenang saat menjabat sebagai Dirjen Pajak.

"Ada yang mengajukan permohonan, pembebasan pajak, kemudian modusnya diberikan lalu ada kick back (imbalan), ada aliran, jadi itu lebih bentuk penyalahgunaan kewenangan dan kewajiban seorang pejabat, polanya seperti itu," tambah Busyro.

Busyro juga menjelaskan bahwa kasus tersebut ada kemiripan dengan kasus penyimpangan pajak lain.

"Kasus-kasus ini ada kemiripannya kasus Gayus misalnya salah satu modusnya yang selama ini kita tangani KPK ada modus yang sama," ungkap Busyro.

Dalam kasus ini, Hadi selaku Dirjen Pajak diduga mengubah telaah Direktur Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Direktorat Jenderal Pajak mengenai keberatan SKPN PPH BCA.

Surat keberatan pajak penghasilan 1999-2003 itu diajukan BCA pada 17 Juli 2003 terkait kredit bermasalah (Non Performance Loan/NPL) senilai Rp5,7 triliun kepada Direktur PPh Ditjen Pajak.

Setelah penelaahan, diterbitkan surat pengantar risalah keberatan dari Direktur PPh pada 13 Maret 2004 kepada Dirjen Pajak dengan kesimpulan bahwa permohonan keberatan wajib pajak BCA ditolak.

Namun satu hari sebelum jatuh tempo untuk memberikan keputusan final BCA yaitu pada 18 Juli 2004, Hadi Poernomo selaku dirjen pajak memerintahkan agar Direktur PPh mengubah kesimpulan yaitu dari semula menyatakan menolak menjadi menerima seluruh keberatan.

Hadi kemudian mengeluarkan surat keputusan Dirjen Pajak yang memutuskan untuk menerima seluruh keberatan wajib pajak sehingga tidak ada cukup waktu bagi Direktur PPh untuk memberikan tanggapan atas kesimpulan yang berbeda itu. Atas penerimaan keberatan itu keuangan negara dirugikan senilai Rp375 miliar.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesia Anti-graft Agency will study private partys role in connection with the alleged corruption case of former State Audit Board Chairman Hadi Poernomo, KPK Deputy Chief Busryo Muqoddas stated.

"The private partys role will also be investigated so that it will be clear who that private party is. We will also investigate BCA later," he confirmed at the KPK Building here on Tuesday.

KPK named Hadi Poernomo suspect on Monday in connection with his alleged role in a corruption case while he was Director General of tax from 2002-2004.

Busryo added that Hadi had allegedly abused his power when he was the tax Director General.

"A party had applied with a demand for tax exemption and a kickback was then given, so it was more of a form of power abuse by an official. That is the pattern," he explained.

Busryo noted that the case was similar to several other tax evasion cases.

"The case is similar to other cases like the one involving Gayus (tax employee, already convicted) that we have already tackled. The method is similar," he added.

In connection with his case, Hadi Poernomo, when he was tax Director General, had allegedly changed the result of examination on objection to corporate tax assessment for the period of 1999-2003 over non-performing loans worth IDR 5.7 trillion, submitted by BCA bank on July 17, 2003, to the corporate tax director.

The result of the examination was issued on March 13, 2004 and then submitted to the Director General rejected BCAs objection.

However, a day before the final decision over BCA objection was issued on July 18, 2004, Hadi Poernomo ordered the corporate tax director to change his conclusion from rejecting to accepting BCAs objection.

Hadi later issued a decision letter to accept all objections submitted by the taxpayer and with his move, he gave no time for the corporate tax director to respond to the dissenting opinion.

Because of this decision, the state lost up to IDR 375 billion and based on that, the KPK has named Hadi Poernomo suspect for violating Articles 2 and 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999, later changed into Law Number 20 of 2001 on corruption eradication and Article 55 of the Criminal Law.

If convicted, Hadi could face a sentence of upto 20 years in jail and a fine of IDR 1 billion.