Anggoro Widjojo Ditangkap KPK di China

Indonesia`s Anti-graft Agency Arrests Anggoro Widjojo in China

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Anggoro Widjojo Ditangkap KPK di China
Anggoro Widjojo saat tiba di Jakarta dari China (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menangkap buronan kasus korupsi pengadaan Sistem Komunikasi Radio Terpadu (SKRT) di Departemen Kehutanan dengan tersangka Anggoro Widjojo.

"Pihak Imigrasi Indonesia dan KPK bekerja sama dengan pihak kepolisian Zhenzhen, China kemarin sore telah berhasil menangkap buronan KPK atas nama Anggoro Wijaya," kata Wakil Menteri Hukum dan HAM Denny Indrayana melalui pesan singkat di Jakarta, Kamis.

Menurut Denny, Anggoro telah dibawa ke Indonesia melalui Guangzho, China pada hari ini sekitar pukul 16.00 waktu setempat dengan pengawalan petugas imigrasi dan KPK.

"Jika sesuai jadwal, diperikirakan tersangka AW tiba di bandara internasional Soekarno Hatta pada sekitar pukul 20.30 WIB," tambah Denny.

Namun pimpinan KPK Bambang Widjojanto belum menyampaikan penjelasan mengenai penangkapan Anggoro tersebut.

"Insya Allah pada saatnya akan ada penjelasan," kata Bambang melalui pesan singkat.

KPK menetapkan Anggoro selaku Direktur PT Masaro Radiokom yaitu rekanan proyek pengadaan Sistem Komunikasi Radio Terpadu sebagai tersangka sejak 19 Juni 2009 berdasarkan pasal 5 ayat (1) atau Pasal 13 Undang-Undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi.

Proyek SKRT itu adalah program di Kementerian Kehutanan dan sempat dihentikan Menteri Kehutanan M Prakosa. Proyek itu kembali dilanjutkan pada 2007 di masa Menteri Malam Sambat Kaban.

Anggoro diduga telah mempengaruhi anggota Komisi Kehutanan DPR dan Kementerian Kehutanan untuk melanjutkan proyek tersebut. Komisi Kehutanan yang dipimpin Yusuf Erwin Faishal kemudian mengeluarkan surat rekomendasi pada 12 Februari 2007.

Pada surat tersebut, disebutkan pengadaan alat itu sebaiknya menggunakan alat yang disediakan PT Masaro, belakangan proyek bernilai Rp180 miliar ini diduga telah merugikan negara sebesar Rp13 miliar.

Dalam amar putusan hakim pada proyek alih fungsi hutan, tiga anggota DPR saat itu yaitu Azwar Chesputra, Hilman Indra dari Partai Bulan Bintang, dan Fahri Andi Leluasa dari Partai Golkar divonis menerima suap pelepasan kawasan hutan lindung Pantai Air Telang Kabupaten Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan.

Mereka terbukti menerima suap dari Direktur PT Masaro Radiocom, Anggoro Widjojo untuk memuluskan persetujuan anggaran proyek SKRT di Kementerian Kehutanan. Uang dalam bentuk dolar Singapura itu berasal dari adik Anggoro, Anggodo Widjojo. Dalam kasus yang sama, Kepala Biro Perencanaan dan Keuangan Departemen Kehutanan, Widjojo Siswanto pun dipidana bersalah selama tiga tahun dan denda Rp 100 juta subsider empat bulan kurungan pada April 2011.

Jakarta (B2B) - KPK, Indonesias anti-graft agency, has arrested its long-wanted corruption suspect, Anggoro Widjojo, in China.

"The Indonesian immigration office and the KPK, worked in tandem with the Chinese police in Zhenzhen, to arrest its wanted suspect, Anggoro Widjojo, yesterday afternoon," Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Denny Indrayana noted in a text message here on Thursday.

He informed that Anggoro, escorted by the immigration and KPK officials, was brought to Indonesia through Guangzho, China, at around 4 p.m. on Thursday.

"If everything goes as per schedule, Anggoro Widjojo is expected to arrive at the Soekarno-Hatta airport at around 8.30 p.m.," he claimed.

Bambang Widjojanto, one of the KPK leaders, however, is yet to divulge information about the arrest.

"God willing, an explanation will be provided in due course of time," Denny emphasized.

The KPK has named Anggoro Widjojo, the former director of PT Masaro Radiokom, as a graft suspect in connection with the procurement of the Integrated Radio Communication System (SKRT) since June 19, 2009.

The project of the Ministry of Forestry was once put on hold by the former forestry minister M. Prakosa, but it was later revived in 2007, when M.S. Kaban took over the post of forestry minister.

Widjojo is accused of having influenced the members of the House Commission overseeing the forestry affairs and the Ministry of Forestry to continue the project.

The House Commission, which was then led by Yusuf Erwin Faishal, later issued a recommendation on February 12, 2007, for the continuation of the project.

According to the recommendation, the equipment for the project was to be procured from PT Masaro.

The project was worth Rp180 billion, and the state was estimated to lose Rp13 billion.

In the meantime, three parliament members have been convicted for receiving kickbacks from Widjojo in exchange for their efforts to ensure hassle-free budget allocation for the SKRT project.

The three received the money in the form of Singapore dollars from Anggodo Widjojo, who is Anggoros brother and is now already behind bars.

Azwar Chesputra, Hilman Indra from the Moon and Star Party, and Fahri Andi Leluasa from the Golkar Party are serving jail sentence for receiving bribes from Anggoro in connection with a forest conversion case in the Banyuasin district in South Sumatra.

Head of Planning and Finance of the Ministry of Forestry Widjojo Siswanto has also been sentenced to three years imprisonment and fined Rp100 million in April 2011, in connection with the SKRT case.