Staf Ahli Mentan Sidak ke `Feedlots` di Bogor, Pantau Komitmen Apfindo

Indonesian Feedlots Asks Prioritize Consumer Needs

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Staf Ahli Mentan Sidak ke `Feedlots` di Bogor, Pantau Komitmen Apfindo
Penggemukan sapi di Taruma Cattle Farm Cariu, Staf Ahli Menteri Bidang Investasi, Syukur Iwantoro (kiri) berbincang dengan direktur PT Catur Mitra Taruma, Reza Zulfikar (kiri atas), dan menjawab wartawan (kanan atas) Foto2: B2B/Mac

Cariu, Bogor (B2B) - Menteri Pertanian RI, Andi Amran Sulaiman memantau komitmen Asosiasi Produsen Daging dan Feedloter Indonesia (Apfindo) untuk memperdagangkan sapi seharga Rp38.000/kg sapi bobot hidup setelah dicapai kesepakatan dengan pemerintah pada Jumat (21/8) dalam pertemuan tertutup di kantor pusat Kementerian Pertanian RI di kawasan Ragunan, Jakarta Selatan.

Mentan berencana mengunjungi dua perusahaan  penggemukan sapi (feedloter) di Kabupaten Bogor pada Minggu siang (23/8) namun berhalangan hadir, dan diwakilkan kepada Staf Ahli Menteri (SAM) Bidang Investasi, Syukur Iwantoro.

Rombongan bertolak dari Citra Grand Cibubur pada pukul 15:30 menuju feedloter PT Catur Mitra Taruma (Taruma Cattle Farm Cariu) yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Cariu. Tiba pada pukul 16:40, Syukur Iwantoro didampingi Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan, Riwantoro dan sejumlah wartawan langsung menuju ke kandang penggemukan yang menampung hampir 3.500 ekor sapi.

Saat Syukur Iwantoro berdialog dengan wartawan
Direktur PT Catur Mitra Taruma, Reza Zulfikar kemudian datang dan menjawab beberapa hal terkait persediaan sapi di kandang penggemukan, kemampuan suplai ke pasar, dan harga jual sapi.

"Sebagai feedloter kategori menengah tentunya wajib mengikuti peraturan pemerintah dan perintah asosiasi, kami juga bukan pemain besar yang dapat menentukan harga jual, sehingga patuh pada ketentuan pemerintah dan aturan asosiasi," kata Reza Zulfikar.

Menurutnya, sesuai kesepakatan Apfindo dengan pemerintah untuk menjual sapi bobot hidup seharga Rp38.000/kg sejak Jumat (21/8). Harga tertinggi Rp41.000/kg pada awal Agustus 2015, dan kemudian bertahan pada Rp38.000/kg. Dari harga tersebut, rantai pemasarannya di Depok, Ciputat, dan Kebayoran Baru menjual Rp95.000/kg.

"Bisa dicek langsung kalau pun harganya naik, paling tinggi cepek (maksudnya Rp100.000/kg)," kata Reza.

Tampak hadir Kepala Humas Kementan, Marihot H Panggabean dan Kasubbag Pemberitaan dan Publikasi Humas Kementan, Agus Sumantri beserta stafnya mendampingi para jurnalis dari Jakarta dan Bogor.

Bogor, Indonesia (B2B) - Indonesian Agriculture Minister, Andi Amran Sulaiman monitor commitments of the Association of Meat Producers and Feedlots Indonesia or Apfindo to trade a cattle amounting to 38,000 rupiah/kg live weight of cattle, after it agreed with the government on Friday (8/21) in closed meetings at the Agriculture Ministry office in Ragunan area of South Jakarta.

Minister Sulaiman plans to visit of two feedlots in Bogor district of West Java province on Sunday afternoon (8/23) but was unable to attend, and represented by the Expert Staff of Minister for Investment, Syukur Iwantoro.

His entourage departed at 15:30 p.m from Cibubur, East Jakarta to feedlots in Cariu sub-district who owned by Catur Mitra Taruma Corp. or Taruma Cattle Farm Cariu. Arrived at 16:40 p.m, Mr Iwantoro accompanied by Secretary of the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health, Riwantoro, and a number of journalists to the cowshed.

While Mr Iwantoro dialogue with journalists, the company´s director Reza Zulfikar come and answer a few questions related to cattle inventory, the ability of supply to the market, and the price of cattle.

"As feedloter in the middle category, we are obliged to comply with government regulations and orders of the association, we are not a big player who can determine the selling price, so it must abide by the rules," Mr Zulfikar said.

According to him, as an association agreement with the government to sell 38,000 rupiah/kg live weight of cattle began on Friday (21/8). Highest price ever reaches 41,000 rupiah/kg in early August 2015, and now 38,000 rupiah/kg. Of these prices, the marketing network in Depok, Ciputat, and Kebayoran Baru can sell 95,000 rupiah/kg.

"Can be monitored over there, even if the price goes up, the highest price just cepek (he meant 100,000 rupiah/kg)," Mr Zulfikar said.

At the time also attended Head of Public Relations at the ministry, Marihot H Panggabean and Head of the Subdivision News and Publications, Agus Sumantri, and his staff accompanied journalists from Jakarta and Bogor.