Muhaimin Iskandar Tidak Berminat jadi Calon Wapres, kata PKB

National Awakening Party Leader Not Interested in Indonesian VP Candidate

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Muhaimin Iskandar Tidak Berminat jadi Calon Wapres, kata PKB
H Rhoma Irama di kampanye PKB (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Muhaimin Iskandar, Ketua Umum Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) tidak berminat menjadi calon wakil presiden meski partainya mengincar posisi itu.

"Setelah saya konfirmasi langsung dengann beliau (Muhaimin, Red), saya tegaskan bahwa beliau untuk saat ini tidak dan tidak akan mau mencalonkan diri sebagai wapres," kata  Ketua DPP PKB Abdul Wahid Maktub.

Ia mengakui memang ada dorongan, dukungan, bahkan tekanan dari berbagai elemen masyarakat, termasuk internal PKB, agar Muhaimin mengajukan diri sebagai calon wakil presiden.

Namun, kata mantan Duta Besar RI untuk Qatar itu, Muhaimin memilih untuk lebih berkonsentrasi membesarkan PKB daripada mengincar posisi RI 2.

"Saat ini beliau (Muhaimin, Red) fokus untuk terus membesarkan PKB menjadi partai terbesar di masa datang," kata caleg DPR RI Dapil DKI Jakarta II itu.

Menurut Wahid, PKB akan mengajukan dua kandidat calon presidennya, Rhoma Irama dan Mahfud MD, sebagai calon wakil presiden kepada pasangan koalisinya.

Jakarta (B2B) - The General Chairman of National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar is not interested in filling the position as vice president, Chairman of PKB Abdul Wahid Maktub stated here on Monday.

"I have talked to Muhaimin and he had confirmed to me that he did not want to run for vice presidents position yet. Muhaimin wanted to concentrate on the partys interest first, to make PKB a bigger party in the future," Abdul clarified.

However he admitted that there were several people within the party who want PKB to have a coalition with another party and the General Chairman, Muhaimin Iskandar, to run for the Vice President.

According to various quick vote counts, PKB finished fifth in the legislative elections held last Wednesday (April 9), garnering more than nine percent of all votes.

Based on the vote count, the three parties that won more votes than the remaining nine parties were PDIP, Golkar and Gerindra, and all of them have already named their presidential candidates.

With regard to vice presidential candidates, Muhaimin Iskandar recently stated that his party will be realistic by choosing coalesce with other parties and name a vice presidential candidate only. He added that the party has many qualified members for vice president, including Rhoma Irama and Mahfud MD.