Pemerintah Minta Masyarakat Tetap Tenang

Indonesian Govt Asks People to Remain Calm

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Pemerintah Minta Masyarakat Tetap Tenang

Jakarta (B2B) - Pemerintah meminta masyarakat tetap tenang, tidak terprovokasi atau mengikuti ajakan yang melanggar hukum terkait dinamika politik yang terjadi saat ini.

"Karena akan mencederai proses pematangan demokrasi," kata Menkopolhukam Joko Suyanto di Jakarta, Selasa, menyikapi proses rekapitulasi suara pemilihan presiden oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) dan pernyataan calon presiden Prabowo Subianto yang menolak pelaksaan pelaksanaan Pilpres 2014.

Joko Suyanto juga mengingatkan pernyataan Prabowo yang meminta kepada seluruh rakyat Indonesia yang telah memilihnya untuk tetap tenang dan akan menggunakan cara damai.

Djoko Suyanto juga mengatakan sehubungan dinamika yang terjadi pihaknya langsung mengadakan pertemuan rapat dengan jajaran Polhukam.

Lebih lanjut ia mengatakan aparat keamanan tetap komitmen dan bersiaga penuh menjaga proses demokrasi agar aman, tertib, terjamin dan terlaksana dengan baik.

"Aparat keamanan, polisi dibantu TNI dan lainnya akan bertindak tegas jika ada tindakan yang melanggar hukum," tegas Joko.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian government had called on the people here on Tuesday afternoon to not to be provoked to act against the law. 

"We appeal to the people in Indonesia to remain calm and not easily provoked to follow calls to act unlawfully, which will only further hinder our democratic process," Indonesia´s chief security minister Djoko Suyanto in here on Tuesday.

His statement came following presidential candidate Prabowo Subiantos decision to reject the July 9 election and its results a few hours before the General Elections Commission (KPU) has been scheduled to announce the results.

Djoko Suyanto said that all matters related to election lay in the hands of the KPU.

The meeting attended by home affairs minister Gamawan Fauzi, national police chief General Sutarman, defense forces (TNI) commander General Moeldoko, and chief of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) Marciano Norman was held in response to Prabowo Subiantos stance.

He noted that the security authorities have remained fully committed to continue to secure the democratic process and assure security, order, and peace in the community.

"The police and TNI forces will take firm action against any acts of violations," he stressed.

Djoko Suyanto meanwhile appealed to the mass media to help calm down the supporters of Prabowo Subianto and continue to fight based on law.