SBY Ingatkan Semua Pihak Berperan Sukseskan Pilpres

President Yudhoyono Asks All Parties have Roles in Elections

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

SBY Ingatkan Semua Pihak Berperan Sukseskan Pilpres
Presiden SBY (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Seluruh komponen bangsa memiliki tanggung jawab masing-masing untuk menyukseskan pelaksanaan Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) yang akan berlangsung pada 9 Juli 2014.

"Sebentar lagi Pilpres, jika Pilpres berlangsung satu putaran, 9 Juli mendatang kita akan miliki Presiden baru meskipun pelantikan (dilakukan-red) 20 Oktober, kalau satu putaran belum selesai, ada dua bulan, September untuk mengetahui siapa presiden pengganti saya nanti," kata Presiden saat membuka sidang kabinet paripurna di Kantor Presiden Jakarta, Kamis.

Semua pihak, kata Presiden, memiliki peran dan kontribusi untuk mendorong Pemilihan Presiden berlangsung dengan aman.

"Sebentar lagi, situasi politik akan diwarnai Pilpres. Tugas dan tanggung jawab saya bersama penyelenggara pemilu (memastikan pelaksanaan-red) dalam Pilpres aman tertib lancar damai demokratis," tambah Presiden.

Ia mengatakan, bahwa tugas partai politik mengajukan siapa capres dan cawapres, bisa gabungan partai politik dengan peta politik terkini, tidak ada partai politik yang memperoleh suara 25%. Mungkin ada yang memenuhi atau tidak satu pun maka ada gabungan partai politik, mereka yang tanggung jawab (mengajukan-red) capres dan cawapres.

"Rakyat adalah memilih siapa capres-cawapres yang tepat memimpin kita," tegasnya.

Presiden menambahkan, "ini responsible sharing dalam rangka Pilpres, semua sudah diatur dalam undang-undang."

Kepala negara menegaskan, selama proses politik ini berlangsung, maka pemerintah terus menjalankan tugasnya dan memastikan semua program pembangunan bisa terlaksana.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian President  Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudoyono said all components of the nation played roles and had the responsibility to make the upcoming July 9 presidential election a success.

"We will shortly organize a presidential election. If the election proceeds for only one round, then on July 9 we will have a new president, although the presidential inauguration will only be held in October 2014," President Yudhoyono said when opening a cabinet meeting here on Thursday.

He said, "If the election continues for two rounds we will have to wait for two months, until September (second- round election), to know who will replace me."

Yudhoyono noted that everyone must play their roles and contribute to the election, so that it is smooth and peaceful.

"The country will shortly be colored by a presidential election. I and the election organizers have the responsibility to ensure that it will be conducted peacefully and democratically in an orderly manner," the President stated.

He noted that the political parties were responsible for nominating the presidential and vice presidential candidates. The candidates can be nominated by a political party or a group of political parties.

The present political map, he said, showed that no single electoral contestant had won 25 percent of votes (in last weeks legislative elections).

There could be one that meets the requirement (25 percent of votes) or the political parties have to form a coalition to nominate a presidential and a vice presidential candidate, he asserted.

"The people will elect the right president, who will lead us," the President said, adding that it was a sharing of responsibilities as regulated by the law. "

He said during the election process, the government will carry out its tasks and ensure that all the programs were implemented.