Jero Wacik Hujat Media Online, Puji Media Cetak

Jero Wacik Blaspheme Online Media, Newspapers Praised

Reporter : Gatot Priyantono
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Jero Wacik Hujat Media Online, Puji Media Cetak

Jakarta (B2B) - Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Jero Wacik menuding media online sebagai media massa yang tidak jelas. Pasalnya, media online menuliskan berita secara serampangan dan sumber beritanya pun tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

"Media online itu bikin berita enggak jelas, sumbernya enggak jelas," kata menteri dari Partai Demokrat di Kementerian ESDM di Jakarta, Jumat (12/7).

Jero menambahkan pemberitaan yang ditulis media online sangat keras, sehingga menimbulkan dampak buruk kepada masyarakat. Bukan cuma itu, judulnya pun tergolong sensasional dan bombastis. Misalnya "Pecat Menteri ESDM, Pecat Wamen ESDM, Pecat Dirjen, kalau di pecat semua siapa yang kerja?" kata dia.

Seharusnya, ungkap Wacik, sebagai penyebar informasi sebaiknya wartawan menulis berita dengan jelas, sehingga masyarakat mendapat informasi yang jelas pula. "Kita ini harus cerdas, jangan bikin berita yang enggak jelas," pungkas dia.

Jakarta (B2B) - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jero Wacik accused, online media as an indistinct mass media. Because the online media news writing at random, and news resources can not justified.

"Online media is making inconsequential news, news sources are not clear," said ministers of the Democratic Party in his office in Jakarta, Friday (12/7).

Jero added that written media online news very hard, causing harm to the public. Not only that, the title was quite sensational and bombastic. For example, "Fire Minister, Vice Minister of Energy Fire, Fire Director. If all the officers fired, who´s working?" he said.

Jero added that written media online news very hard, causing harm to the public. Not only that, the title was quite sensational and bombastic. For example, "Fire Minister, Vice Minister of Energy Fire, Fire Director. If all the officers fired, who´s working?" he said.

Supposed to, Wacik said, as a disseminator of information, writing news reporters should be clear, so that people have access to clear anyway. "We must be smart, do not make the news is not clear," he added.