KPK Tambah Tim Hukum Hadapi Tiga Gugatan Praperadilan

Indonesian Anti-graft Comm. Facing Three Pretrial Motions Filed by Corruption Suspects

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

KPK Tambah Tim Hukum Hadapi Tiga Gugatan Praperadilan
Foto: istimewa

Jakarta (B2B) - Tiga gugatan praperadilan harus dihadapi Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dari tiga tersangka kasus korupsi yang diusut KPK di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Selatan.

Gugatan praperadilan pertama diajukan oleh mantan Direktur Pengolahan PT Pertamina Suroso Atmomartoyo yang menjadi tersangka kasus dugaan pemberian suap proyek bensin tetraethyl lead (TEL) yang terkait dengan PT Pertamina pada 2004-2005 atau yang lazim disebut korupsi Innospec.

Praperadilan kedua yaitu mantan Menteri Agama Suryadharma Ali yang menjadi tersangka kasus dugaan korupsi penyelenggaraan haji di Kementerian Agama periode 2012-2013.

Sedangkan gugatan ketiga dari mantan Ketua Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Hadi Poernomo dalam perkara dugaan penerimaan seluruh permohonan keberatan Wajib Pajak Badan PT BCA.

Ketiga sidang praperadilan akan dipimpin tiga hakim yang berbeda yaitu sidang Suroso akan dipimpin hakim Suyadi, Suryadharma Ali dipimpin hakim Tati Hardianti, sedangkan Hadi Purnomo dipimpin hakim tunggal Baktar Jubri Nasution.

Kepala Biro Hukum KPK Chatarina Girsang mengatakan KPK menyiapkan tiga tim hukum untuk menghadapi sidang gugatan praperadilan di PN Jakarta Selatan.

Dia mengatakan, saat ini tim Biro Hukum KPK hanya 11 orang sehingga tidak memadai untuk menghadapi sejumlah gugatan praperadilan yang dilakukan oleh tersangka korupsi.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian Anti-graft Commission, known as the KPK will face pretrial motions filed by three corruption suspects at the South Jakarta district courts on Monday (30/3).

The district court will deal first with the motion filed by Suroso Atmomartoyo, former processing director of state oil company Pertamina. Suroso was named corruption suspect by KPK on graft charge in the procurement of tetra-ethyl lead (TEL) gasoline involving Pertamina and Innospec, a TEL supplier from Britain in 2004-2005.

The second pretrial would be one filed by former religious affairs minister Suryadharma Ali, who is charged by KPK with corruption of fund belonging to hajj pilgrims in 2012-2013.

The third to be handled by the district court is pretrial motion filed by former chairman of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK Hadi Poernomo , who was charged by KPK with corruption over corporate tax assessment involving Bank Central Asia (BCA) when he was taxation director general in 2002-2004.

The three trials would be chaired by three different judges including Suyadi for Soeroso case, Tati Hardianti for Suryadharma case , and Baktar Jubri Nasution for Hadi Poernomo case.

KPK law bureau chief Chatarina Girsang said KPK has prepared three teams of lawyers to face the pretrial motions with help from prosecutors.

Chatarina said KPK needs additional prosecutors as it will deal with three pretrial motions almost at the same time.

KPK's Law Bureau has no adequate number of legal functionaries, therefore, additional number is needed, she said.

She said KPK Law Bureau has only 11 law functionaries to face the pretrial motions filed by a number of corruption suspects.