Trigana Air Service Tergelincir di Bandara Wamena, Ini Foto-fotonya ...

Plane Lands on Its Belly and Skids at Indonesian Airport

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Trigana Air Service Tergelincir di Bandara Wamena, Ini Foto-fotonya ...
Setelah kecelakaan itu, pilot, co-pilot dan seorang teknisi berhasil menyelamatkan diri dari lokasi kecelakaan tanpa cedera (Foto2: MailOnline)

INI adalah foto-foto mencekam saat pesawat kargo terpaksa mendarat darurat sebelum tergelincir sejauh satu mil dari landasan pacu pada bandara di Papua.

Foto-foto cuplikan dari video yang merekam saat pesawat Boeing 737-300F milik Trigana Air Service yang terpaksa mendarat darurat di Wamena kemarin pagi disertai asap mengepul dari badan pesawat.

Namun tidak seperti lazimnya pesawat mendarat, roda pesawat tampaknya gagal berfungsi optimal, sehingga terpaksa mendarat tanpa roda.

Foto-foto tersebut memperlihatkan pesawat meluncur deras tanpa dapat direm, dan gesekan bagian bawah pesawat menyebabkan kepulan asap.

Pihak berwenang di bandara setempat menutup bandara tersebut untuk melakukan investigasi dan menyelidiki apa yang menjadi penyebab pesawat terpaksa mendarat tanpa roda, dan Bandara Wamena mulai hari ini beroperasi kembali.

Diketahui kemudian bahwa pesawat kargo tersebut mengangkut beras dan gula setelah bertolak dari Bandara Sentani di Jayapura menuju ke Wamena.

Pesawat itu disewa oleh perusahaan energi milik pemerintah untuk memberikan pasokan ke kota-kota kecil di Provinsi Papua.

Setelah kecelakaan itu, pilot, co-pilot dan seorang teknisi berhasil menyelamatkan diri dari lokasi kecelakaan tanpa cedera.

Diperkirakan landing gear rusak, mesin dan roda rusak akibat peristiwa tersebut.

Bandara Wamena berada di tengah-tengah wilayah pegunungan dan pesawat sering harus lepas landas dan mendarat di tengah cuaca buruk.

Pilot Matt Dearden, yang memiliki tujuh tahun pengalaman terbang di Indonesia, mengatakan pendaratan pesawat di Papua memaksa pilot mengandalkan kemampuan visual karena instrumen di pesawat sulit mengantisipasi perubahan cuaca.

Dia mengatakan kepada CNN: "Pesawat harus mendarat sangat keras dengan posisi tidak biasa sehingga menimbulkan kerusakan pada bagian bawah pesawat akibat tergelincir di sepanjang landasan pacu."

Trigana Air Service hingga berita ini diturunkan belum memberikan penjelasan resmi atas pendaratan darurat tersebut seperti dilansir MailOnline.

THIS IS the moment a cargo plane was forced to carry out a belly landing before skidding for almost a mile down the runway of an airport in Indonesia.

Footage captured the Trigana Air Service Boeing 737-300F coming into land at Wamena Airport in the Papua province yesterday morning with smoke billowing from the fuselage.

But as the aircraft touched down, the main landing gear appeared to have failed, causing the plane to land on its belly.

The video of the landing then shows the plane careering down the runway unable to brake, leaving a trail of smoke in its wake.

Eventually it came to halt and firefighters were quickly on the scene to douse the aircraft with water and separate pictures showed the landing gear lying on the ground having completely broken off.

Authorities in Indonesia carry out an investigation to probe what caused the belly landing.

It is believed that the aircraft had been carrying cargo including rice and sugar and departed from Sentani Airport in Jayapura en route to Wamena Airport.

The plane had been hired by the state-owned energy company to deliver the supplies to the small towns in the Papua Province.

After the crash, a pilot, co-pilot and a technician were able to escape from the wreckage unscathed.

It is also believed that as well as the landing gear being damaged, the engine and another wheel was broken.

Wamena airport is located in the middle of a mountainous region and planes often have to take-off and land in extremely low cloud cover.

Pilot Matt Dearden, who has seven years of experience flying in Indonesia, says all landings at the airport have to be hand-flown visually as instruments cannot be used.

He told CNN: 'They touched down very hard in a nose high attitude which instantly collapsed both main gear. The left gear was ripped from the airframe as it skidded along the runway.

'It came to a rest a long way from the impact point and skidded just off the right side of the runway, scattering debris as it went.'

Trigana Air Service have yet to comment on the landing.