Menteri Kesehatan: Sebagian Sasaran MDGs On The Track

Health Minister: Some MDGs Targets are on the Track

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Intan Permata Sari

Menteri Kesehatan: Sebagian Sasaran MDGs On The Track

Jakarta (B2B) - Sampai saat ini pencapaian Millineum Development Goals (MDGs) di di Indonesia cukup menggembirakan, karena sebagian sasaran bidang diperkirakan akan tercapai atau on the track.

"Kita mampu telah menurunkan prevalensi balita dengan berat badan rendah atau kekurangan gizi, pengendalian penyebaran dan penurunan kasus baru tuberkolosis telah mencapai target,  menurunkan angka kematian bayi dan Balita, mengendalikan penyebaran dan mulai menurunkan kasus baru malaria," kata Menteri Kesehatan Nafsiah Mboi saat saat membuka Rapat Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Operasional Progam (Rakor POP) di Jakarta, Selasa (13/11).

Namun dia mengingatkan, perlu diberikan perhatian khusus pada sasaran MDG yang masih off track, yaitu MDG-5 menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) melahirkan dan MDG-6 mengendalikan menurunkan infeksi baru HIV.

Menurutnya, AKI secara nasional periode 1994-2007 menunjukkan penurunan signifikan. Pada 2010, AKI nasional 214 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Sementara target MDG-5 adalah menurunkan AKI hingga 3/4 pada tahun 2015 menjadi 102 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup.

"Kecenderungan penurunan tahun 2015 diperkirakan baru mencapai 161 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Karena itu, diperlukan kerja keras dan dukungan dari semua pihak adar Indonesia dapat mencapai target MDG-5 tersebut," jelas Nafsiah.

Sedangkan cakupan persalinan yang ditolong oleh tenaga kesehatan dari tahun ke tahun, menurutnya mengalami peningkatan. Dari 84,78 persen (2010) menjadi 87,40 persen (2011).

"Saya harap peralatan antenatal care (ANC) dan alat pemeriksaan hemoglobin dilengkapi di puskesmas," pinta Nafsiah.


Jakarta (B2B) - Until now MDG achievement in Indonesia is quite satisfying because some targets are predicted to be on the track or to be achieved.

“We have been able to lower the number of underweight toddlers or toddlers suffering from malnutrition, also supervision and the decrease of new cases of TBC has been achieved, we successfully decrease toddler and children mortality rate, control and lower malaria cases,” said Minister of Health, Nafsiah Mboi, while opening the Coordination Meeting of Program Operational Implementation in Jakarta on Tuesday (13/11).

Yet he reminded that there needs to be special attention for other MDG targets that are still yet to achieve, such as MDG 5 (lowering maternal mortality rate due to birth) and MDG 6 (controlling and lowering new HIV infection).

He argued that nationally, from 1994-2007, there was a significant decrease. In 2010, the maternal mortality rate was 214 per 100,000 births, while MDG 5 is to lower the rate until three quarters of the previous rate into 102 per 100,000 births in 2015.

The tendency of decrease in 2015 is predicted to reach 161 per 100,000 births. Hence, it needs hard work and support from all parties so that Indonesia can achieve MDG 5 target, said Nafsiah.

As for births assisted by medical staffs, from year to year the percentage increases from 84.78% (2010) into 87.40% (2011).

“I hope that Antenatal Care equipment and hemoglobin checking devices are available in community health centers,” said Nafsiah.