Arief Yahya Optimistis Target 9,5 Juta Wisman Tercapai

Indonesian Tourism Minister Optimistic Can Reach the Targets of Tourist Arrival

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Arief Yahya Optimistis Target 9,5 Juta Wisman Tercapai
Menteri Pariwisata Arief Yahya saat membuka Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 (Foto: Puskompublik Kemenpar)

Jakarta (B2B) - Target kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara sebanyak 9,5 juta orang hingga akhir 2014 diyakini oleh Menteri Pariwisata Arief Yahya tercapai.

"Kami optimistis ini bisa tercapai melihat tren pertumbuhan sektor pariwisata dalam beberapa waktu terakhir," kata Arief Yahya di Jakarta belum lama ini.

Kementerian Pariwisata memprediksi dalam dua bulan terakhir menjelang tutup tahun jumlah kunjungan wisman akan terdongkrak signifikan selama masa "peak season" liburan Natal dan Tahun Baru.

Badan Pusat Statistik dan Pusat Data Informasi (Pusdatin) Kementerian Pariwisata mencatat kunjungan wisman pada Oktober 2014 mencapai 808.767 wisman atau tumbuh 12,34% dibandingkan Oktober 2013 sebanyak 719.903 wisman. Pada Oktober 2014 kunjungan wisman yang tumbuh tinggi berasal dari Tiongkok sebesar 45,85%, Australia 23,97%, India 22,42%, Jepang 19,14%, dan Jerman 16,88%.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian Tourism Minister Arief Yahya is optimistic that Indonesia can reach the target of tourist arrivals by year's end. The target set in 2014 is 9.5 million tourists.

"We are optimistic after seeing the trend. Tourism sector is growing recently," Yahya said in here recently.

He expected tourist arrivals will increase significantly in the last two months, especially during Christmas and New Year. "We offer special promo in cross border of Singapore and Malaysia," he said.

Statistics Agency states tourist arrivals in October 2014 hit 808,767 tourists, growing 12.34 percent year on year. China is the largest contributor, representing 45.85 percent share of the overall visitors, followed by Australia with 23.97 percent, India with 22.42 percent, Japan with 19.14 percent and Germany with 16.88 percent.