BBM Subsidi, Konsumsinya Capai 22,9 Juta Kiloliter (49,8% Kuota APBNP 2014)

Indonesia Subsidized Fuel Consumption for 1st Quarter Reached 22.9 Million Kiloliters

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

BBM Subsidi, Konsumsinya Capai 22,9 Juta Kiloliter (49,8% Kuota APBNP 2014)

Jakarta (B2B) - Konsumsi bahan bakar minyak bersubsidi selama semester pertama 2014 mencapai 22,9 juta kiloliter atau volume konsumsi tersebut sekitar 49,8% dari kuota APBN Perubahan 2014 yang ditetapkan sebesar 46 juta kiloliter.

"Kami akan lakukan upaya-upaya pengawasan agar kuota BBM sesuai target sebesar 46 juta kiloliter," kata Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi mencatat konsumsi (BPH Migas) Andy N Sommeng di Jakarta.

Menurut dia, realisasi konsumsi BBM subsidi selama enam bulan pertama 2014 tersebut terdiri atas premium 14,44 juta kiloliter, minyak tanah 0,46 juta kiloliter, dan solar sebesar delapan juta kiloliter.

Sejumlah upaya pengendalian yang dilakukan antara lain pengurangan mulut keran (nozzle) BBM subsidi di SPBU kota-kota besar.

Pengurangan "nozzle" akan dimulai di wilayah Jakarta Pusat dan selanjutnya meluas ke kota-kota lain. 

Langkah pengendalian lainnya adalah pembatasan kendaraan truk dan bus wisata tidak memakai solar subsidi serta taksi mewah tidak memakai premium bersubsidi.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesias subsidized fuel consumption in the first half of 2014 had reached 22.9 million kiloliters, accounting for 49.8 percent of the quota, according to the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Body (BPH Migas).

"We will make every effort to supervise it (the use of subsidized fuel), so consumption will not exceed the target of 46 million kiloliters," BPH Migas chief Andy N Sommeng said here on Monday. 

Both the government and the House of Representatives (DPR) have agreed to set the quota of subsidized fuel at 46 million kiloliters in the revised 2014 state budget.

The first-semester subsidized fuel consumption comprised 14.44 million kiloliters of gasoline, 0.46 million kiloliters of kerosene, and 8 million kiloliters of diesel oil.

One of the efforts to control the subsidized fuel consumption is reducing the number of subsidized fuel nozzles at gasoline stations in the countrys major cities. The move will be initiated in Jakarta.

The other effort will be to restrict the use of subsidized fuel for trucks, tourist buses, and luxury taxis.

The BPH Migas will coordinate with relevant agencies in controlling the use of subsidized fuel.