Kontingen Garuda Peringati HUT TNI ke-70 di Lebanon

Indonesia Military`s Peacekeeper Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of TNI in Lebanon

Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Kontingen Garuda Peringati HUT TNI ke-70 di Lebanon
Komandan Kontingen Garuda Unifil di Lebanon, Kolonel Inf Danni Koswara memimpin upacara peringatan HUT TNI (foto utama), menyematkan kenaikan pangkat prajurit (atas) dan pasukan Unifil di Lebanon (Foto2: Puspen TNI)

Jakarta (B2B) - Kehadiran prajurit TNI di mana pun harus memberikan arti positif bagi masyarakat di sekitarnya, tidak hanya di dalam negeri tapi juga di luar negeri, dengan pendekatan winning the hearts and minds of the people juga merupakan kunci keberhasilan kontingen Garuda di Lebanon.

“Sampai saat ini kiprah dan profesionalisme TNI telah mendapat apresiasi positif dari masyarakat dunia, para pendahulu kita telah berhasil menorehkan tinta emas dalam misi perdamaian dunia,” kata Komandan Kontingen Garuda untuk United Nation Interim Force In Lebanon (Unifil) di Lebanon, Kolonel Inf Danni Koswara pada peringatan HUT TNI ke-70 di Adshit Al Qusayr, Lebanon Selatan pada Senin (5/10).

Dia mengingatkan bahwa TNI di usia 70 tahun harus menjadi momentum untuk mengingat TNI sebagai tentara rakyat, tentara pejuang, tentara nasional, dan tentara profesional.

"“Salah satu wujudnya adalah keberadaan kita di dalam misi Unifil saat ini, kita melaksanakan misi pemeliharaan perdamaian dunia bersama-sama dengan tentara yang berasal dari berbagai negara di bawah naungan bendera PBB," kata Danni Koswara yang bertindak sebagai inspektur upacara.

Setelah peringatan HUT TNI ke-70, dilanjutkan dengan pelantikan 155 anggota TNI yang naik pangkat pada 1 Oktober lalu. "Kenaikan pangkat di daerah penugasan adalah momentum yang sangat langka dan tentunya sangat berkesan, sehingga dapat meningkatkan moril prajurit di dalam melaksanakan tugas di daerah operasi”, ujar Kolonel Inf Danni Koswara.

Tampak hadir COS MTF Kolonel Laut (P) Dato Rusman Sutan dan DCO Sector East, Kolonel Kav Yotanabey AM beserta para komandan satuan tugas di jajaran Kontingen Garuda tersebut, diikuti oleh perwakilan seluruh personel masing-masing satuan tugas yang tergabung dalam United Nation Interim Force In Lebanon, antara lain Satgas Batalyon Mekanis TNI Konga XXIII-I/Unifil, Satgas Military Police Unit (MPU) Konga XXV-E/Unifil, Satgas Force Protection Company (FPC) Konga XXVI-G2/Unifil, Satgas Force Headquarter Support Unit (FHQSU) Konga XXVI-G1/Unifil, Satgas CIMIC TNI Konga XXXI-E/Unifil dan Satgas Military Community Outreach Unit (MCOU) Konga XXX-E/Unifil.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian military presence everywhere should have a positive impact for the local community, not only domestically but also abroad, with the approach of winning the hearts and minds of the people are also key to the success of TNI's Garuda contingent in Lebanon, according to TNI officer in Lebanon.

"Until now the role and professionalism of the TNI positively appreciated by the world community, our predecessors have managed to record the glorious achievements in the mission of world peace," said Commander Garuda Contingent to the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (Unifil), Col. Inf Danni Koswara on ceremony commemorate 70th anniversary of TNI in Adshit Al Qusayr, South Lebanon on Monday (5/10).

He reminded that the TNI was aged 70 years should be a moment to remember the military as a people's army, national military, and professional soldiers.

"One of its forms is our presence in the Unifil mission, we carry out peacekeeping missions the world together soldiers from various countries in control of United Nations," said Danni Koswara who acted as the ceremony inspector.

The activity was followed by a promotion 155 soldiers. "The promotion at the place of assignment is rare momentum, and very impressive, so as to improve the morale of soldiers in an area of military operations," Col. Inf Danni Koswara said.

Also present COS MTF Navy Colonel Dato Rusman Sutan and DCO Sector East, Colonel Kav Yotanabey AM with the commanders of the task force Garuda Contingent, followed by representatives of the entire personnel of each task force at the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon, among others Battalion Mechanical TNI Konga XXIII-I/Unifil, Task Force Military Police Unit (MPU) Konga XXV-E/Unifil, Task Force Protection Company (FPC) Konga XXVI-G2/Unifil, Task Force Headquarters Support Unit (FHQSU) Konga XXVI-G1/Unifil, CIMIC Task Force TNI Konga XXXI-E/Unifil and the Task Force Military Community Outreach Unit (MCOU) Konga XXX-E/Unifil.