Jero Wacik Dilaporkan ke Polisi oleh Ikatan Wartawan Online

Jero Wacik Reported to Police by Association of Online Journalists

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Jero Wacik Dilaporkan ke Polisi oleh Ikatan Wartawan   Online

Jakarta (B2B) - Pernyataan Menteri Energi Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Jero Wacik yang menuding media online sebagai media tidak bertanggung jawab dan isi beritanya seperti ´surat kaleng´ berujung pada kasus pencemaran nama baik di kepolisian.

Sekretaris Jenderal Ikatan Wartawan Online (IWO) Witanto menyatakan pihaknya telah melaporkan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (Menteri ESDM) Jero Wacik ke Bareskrim Mabes Polri pada Senin, (15/7).

Witanto mengatakan, laporan ke kepolisian tersebut lantaran pernyataan petinggi Partai Demokrat yang menuding media online sebagai media massa yang ´tidak jelas´ dan isi beritanya seperti ´surat kaleng´.

"Kami juga mengadukan Jero Wacik atas tindakan perbuatan tidak menyenangkan serta menggunakan menggunakan UU Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik atau ITE untuk menjeratnya," kata Witanto kepada pers usai melaporkan Jero Wacik ke Badan Reserse Kriminal Mabes Polri di Jakarta, Senin (15/7).

Menurut Witanto, seluruh media online di Indonesia mendapat perlakuan diskriminasi terhadap pernyataan Jero Wacik, yang tidak sepantasnya dilontarkan seseorang dengan jabatan menteri.

Jakarta (B2B) - Statement by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jero Wacik who accused the online media as irresponsible media and news content as ´anonymous letter´ resulted in a defamation case in the police.

Secretary General of the Association of Journalists Online (IWO) Witanto said it had reported the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Jero Wacik to the Criminal Investigation Police Headquarters on Monday (15/7).

Witanto said, report to the police statement because the Democratic Party officials, who accused the online media as mass media are ´not clear´ and news content as ´anonymous letter´.

"We also denounce the actions Jero Wacik unpleasant acts and use of Information and Electronic Transaction Act or ITE to entrap him," said Witanto told reporters after Jero Wacik reported to the Criminal Investigation Department Police Headquarters in Jakarta, Monday (15/7).

According Witanto, all online media in Indonesia are treated discrimination against Jero Wacik statement, which should not expressed by someone with ministerial posts.