Dahlan Iskan Tolak Komentari Kasus Jero Wacik

Indonesian SOEs Minister Refuses to Comment on Jero Wacik`s Case

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Dahlan Iskan Tolak Komentari Kasus Jero Wacik
Jero Wacik diperiksa KPK saat masih menjabat Menteri ESDM (Foto: tribunnews.com)

Jakarta (B2B) - Dahlan Iskan, Menteri BUMN menolak  mencampuri dan mengomentari kasus dugaan pemerasan yang dilakukan Menteri ESDM Jero Wacik terkait jabatan pada 2011-2013.

"Sebagai sesama menteri, tentu saya merasa prihatin. Tapi saya tidak boleh mencampuri hal itu," kata Dahlan, di Jakarta, Senin.

Menurut Dahlan, sejak awal jadi Menteri BUMN dirinya sudah menegaskan tidak boleh terpengaruh oleh intervensi.

"Tidak boleh ada permintaan apapun dari atasan sekalipun yang menyangkut dana," ujar Dahlan.

Untuk itulah, mantan Dirut PT PLN ini pun memuji Dirut PT Pertamina Karen Agustiawan yang berani menolak segala intervensi terhadap dirinya dan perusahaan.

"Saya bangga Dirut Pertamina tetap tabah dan mampu menghadapi atas usaha-usaha pihak lain untuk mempengaruhinya," tegas Dahlan.

KPK menetapkan Jero Wacik sebagai tersangka pada Rabu (3/9) karena diduga melakukan tindak pidana korupsi pengadaan proyek di Kementerian ESDM pada masa 2011-2013.

Sesuai dengan pasal 12 huruf e atau pasal 23 UU No. 31 Tahun 1999 jo. UU No. 20 Tahun 2001 jo pasal 421 KUHP, Jero Wacik terancam pidana maksimal 20 tahun dan denda paling banyak Rp1 miliar.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian State-owned Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan has clarified his stance to abstain from intervene and comment on the corruption case, in which Indonesian Energy Minister, Jero Wacik named suspect in extortion case in 2011--2013.

"As a fellow minister, naturally, I was concerned about it. But I should not interfere in it," Dahlan Iskan stated here on Monday.

According to Dahlan, as the state enterprises minister, he does not want to be affected by any form of intervention.

"There should not be any request from the boss though it is related to money," Dahlan noted.

In this regard, Dahlan lauded President Director of PT Pertamina Karen Agustiawan who has categorically discouraged any intervention in matters concerning her and the company.

"I am proud of Karen Agustiawan who has been able to ward off others trying to influence her," he emphasized.

Energy Minister Jero Wacik has been implicated as a suspect in a corruption case here on Wednesday for his alleged role in extortions carried out during his ministerial term in 2011-2012.