RAPBN 2014 dalam Asumsi-asumsi Pemerintah

Draft State Budget 2014, the Government Assumed

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

RAPBN 2014 dalam Asumsi-asumsi Pemerintah
Ilustrasi: texastribune.org

Jakarta (B2B) - Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) menyampaikan nota keuangan 2014 dan RAPBN 2014. Pemerintah melalui RAPBN 2014 menargetkan penerimaan Rp1.662,5 Triliun, dan belanja Rp 1.816,7 triliun.

Kementerian Pertahanan mendapatkan alokasi anggaran terbesar dibandingkan kementerian lain untuk pagu anggaran 2014. Dalam Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (RAPBN) 2014, pemerintah mengalokasikan Rp 83,4 triliun untuk Kementerian Pertahanan.

Kementerian lain adalah Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dengan alokasi sebesar Rp 82,7 triliun, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum Rp74,9 triliun, Kementerian Agama Rp 49,6 triliun, Kementerian Kesehatan Rp 44,9 triliun, Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia Rp 41,5 triliun, dan Kementerian Perhubungan Rp 39,2 triliun.

Berikut data lengkap RAPBN 2014 beserta asumsi-asumsinya.

Anggaran Penerimaan: Rp 1.662,5 Triliun (naik 10,7% dari 2013 Rp 1.502,0 triliun)

Anggaran Belanja: Rp 1.816,7 triliun (naik 5,2% dari 2013 Rp 1.726,2 triliun)

Penerimaan pajak: Rp 1.310,2 triliun (naik 14,1% dari 2013 Rp 1.148,4 triliun)

Defisit Anggaran: Rp 154,2 triliun atau 1,49% terhadap PDB, turun dibanding APBNP 2013 yang mencapai 2,38% dari PDB.

Pertumbuhan ekonomi: 6,4% (naik dari 2013 sebesar 6,3%)

Laju inflasi: kisaran 4,5% (turun dari APBN-P 2013 7,2%)

Nilai tukar rupiah: Rp 9.750 per dolar AS (naik dari 2013 sebesar Rp 9.600)

Rata-rata suku bunga Surat Perbendaharaan Negara (SPN) 3 bulan: 5,5% (naik 5% dari 2013).

Harga minyak mentah Indonesia (ICP): US$ 106 per barel (turun dari 2013 sebesar US$ 108 per barel)

Lifting minyak mentah: 870 ribu barel per hari (naik dari 2013 sebesar 840 ribu barel per hari)

Lifting gas bumi: 1.240 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (sama seperti target 2013)

Rasio utang pemerintah terhadap PDB pada akhir tahun 2014: 22% hingga 23%.

Jakarta (B2B) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) convey the financial statement 2014 and Draft State Budget 2014. Targeting the government on the Draft State Budget 2014 state income Rp1.662, 5 trillion, and spending Rp1.816, 7 trillion.

The Ministry of Defence get the biggest budget allocation compared to other ministries for budget of 2014. In the 2014 Draft State Budget, the government allocates Rp83.4 trillion for the Ministry of Defence.

Another Ministry of is Ministry of of Education and Culture allocated Rp82.7 trillion, Ministry of Public Works Rp74, 9 trillion, Ministry of Religious Affairs get Rp49.6 trillion, the allocation to Ministry of of Health Rp44.9 trillion, Indonesian National Police Rp41.5 trillion, and Ministry of of Transportation of Rp39.2 trillion.

The following data is complete Draft State Budget in 2014, with its assumptions.

The revenue budget: Rp1,662.5 trillion (up 10.7% from 2013 Rp1,502.0 billion).

The expenditure budget: Rp1,816.7 billion (up 5.2% from 2013 Rp1,726.2 billion).

The receipts tax: Rp1,310.2 trillion (up 14.1 percent from 2013 Rp1,148.4 billion).

The budget deficit: Rp154.2 trillion or 1.49% of GDP, lower than the 2013 revised budget to reach 2.38% of GDP.

The economic growth: 6.4% (up from 6.3% in 2013).

The inflation rate: the range of 4.5% (down from the 2013 the Revised State Budget to 7.2%).

The rupiah exchange rate: Rp9,750 per U.S. dollar (up from 2013 amounting to Rp9,600).

Average interest rates on Treasury Bills (SPN) 3 months: 5.5% (up 5% from 2013).

Indonesian Crude Price (ICP): U.S. $ 106 per barrel (down from 2013 at U.S. $ 108 per barrel)

Lifting of crude oil: 870 thousand barrels per day (up from 2013 by 840 thousand barrels per day)

Lifting gas: 1,240 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (same as the 2013 target)

The ratio of government debt to GDP at the end of 2014: 22% to 23%.