Subsidi BBM Tetap, Pemerintah Kaji Penerapan Mulai 2014

Government Seeking to Provide Fixed Fuel Subsidy in 2014

Reporter : Gatot Priyantono
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Subsidi BBM Tetap, Pemerintah Kaji Penerapan Mulai 2014

Jakarta (B2B) - Pemerintah mengkaji kemungkinan penerapan subsidi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang diberikan dengan nilai tetap mulai 2014.

Kepala Pusat Kebijakan APBN Badan Kebijakan Fiskal Kementerian Keuangan Rofyanto Kurniawan mengatakan, pihaknya berharap penerapan subsidi BBM secara tetap tersebut disetujui DPR.

"Kalau bisa disetujui DPR maka akan masuk dalam APBN Perubahan 2014. Tapi jika tidak memungkinkan maka dimulai 2015," ujarnya  di Jakarta, Kamis (7/11).

Menurut dia, sebelum penerapan kebijakan itu, pemerintah akan melakukan sosialisasi ke masyarakat dalam waktu dekat. Rofy mengatakan konsep subsidi tetap itu merupakan usulan DPR dan sempat dibahas dalam rapat dengan pemerintah. "Namun belum bisa masuk dalam APBN 2014," ujarnya.

Ia menambahkan kalau misalkan subsidi diberikan secara tetap sebesar Rp 2.000 per liter, maka dengan kuota 48 juta kiloliter, kebutuhan subsidi mencapai Rp 96 triliun. "Subsidi tetap ini akan membuat APBN semakin baik," ujarnya.

Dalam APBN 2014, pemerintah sudah menganggarkan subsidi BBM sebesar Rp 200 triliun. Rofy juga mengatakan pemerintah bertekad mengendalikan konsumsi BBM subsidi secara lebih tepat sasaran. Pada 2014, kuota BBM subsidi sudah ditetapkan sebesar 48 juta kiloliter atau sama dengan volume tahun 2013.

Dengan perkiraan pertumbuhan kendaraan bermotor mencapai 10 persen maka mau tidak mau pemerintah harus melakukan pengendalian pemakaian BBM.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian government is seeking to provide fixed fuel subsidies in 2014 to improve the state budget.

The Head of the State Budget Policy Center at the Fiscal Policy Board of the Finance Ministry, Rofyanto said hopefully, the House of Representatives (DPR) will approve a proposal for fixed fuel subsidies soon, the , said here on Thursday.

"If the DPR approves the proposal, it will be considered in the revised 2014 state budget. But if it is not approved, we will likely consider it in 2015," he said.

He noted that the concept of fixed fuel subsidies came from the DPR and had been discussed with the government. "But the proposal cannot yet be considered in the 2014 state budget," he said.

If the fixed fuel subsidy was set at Rp2,000 per liter, budget allocations for fuel subsidies with a quota of 48 million kiloliters would reach Rp96 trillion, he said.
"The fixed fuel subsidy will make the state budget better," he noted.

In the 2014 state budget, the government has allocated Rp200 trillion for fuel subsidies. Rofy said the government was determined to control the use of subsidized fuels to ensure that the fuel subsidy would be available to those entitled to it.

In the 2014 state budget, the quota for subsidized fuels is the same as in the 2013 state budget, at 48 million kiloliters.

With the growth of motor vehicles, projected at 10 percent annually, the government must control the use of subsidized fuels, he said.