ICW: 597 Koruptor Ditangkap pada Januari hingga Juli 2012

ICW: 597 Corruptors Arrested in January-July 2012

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Intan Permata Sari

ICW: 597 Koruptor Ditangkap pada Januari hingga Juli 2012
Ilustrasi: pdk.or.id

Jakarta (B2B) - Sepanjang Januari hingga Juli 2012, Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) mencatat ada 597 orang ditetapkan sebagai tersangka korupsi dan ditangkap.

Koordinator Divisi Investigasi ICW, Agus Sunaryanto mengatakan sepanjang 2012 kasus korupsi cukup banyak, namun pada semester dua masih dalam proses perhitungan.

"Sedangkan jumlah angka yang berhasil diselamatkan, diakui Agus pihaknya masih sulit memantau karena harus Departemen Keuangan atau BPK," katanya dalam sebuah diskusi di Jakarta, Sabtu (8/12).

Penetapan 597 tersangka tersebut, kata Agus, dilakukan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), Kejaksaan Agung dan Kepolisian RI (Polri).

Jakarta (B2B) - Along January-July 2012, Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) notes that there are 597 people named as suspects of corruption cases and were arrested.

Coordinator of Investigation Division, Agus Sunaryanto, says that in 2012, there are lots of corruption cases, as for the remaining months, the counting process is still ongoing.

“As for the value of budget successfully protected, Agus says in the discussion that his division still has difficulties in monitoring the matter because it is Finance Department or Audit Board which has the authority to do it.

The naming of 597 suspects, he says, is carried out by KPK, Attorney General, and Police Department.