Ruhut Ancam `Buka Kartu` Para Lawan Politiknya

Ruhut Threatened to `Uncover the Secrets` of His Opponents

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Ruhut Ancam `Buka Kartu` Para Lawan Politiknya

Jakarta (B2B) - Ruhut Sitompul, calon Ketua Komisi III DPR yang diusulkan Partai Demokrat mengancam akan mengungkap sepak terjang para koleganya di komisi hukum tersebut, yang menolak politisi Partai Demokrat ini menggantikan Gede Pasek Suardika.

"Aku mau buka semuanya. Besok semua televisi akan live, biar seluruh Indonesia tahu siapa mereka itu. Aku akan ungkap karena mereka kejam sama aku," kata Ruhut di gedung parlemen Senayan, Rabu (2/10).

Ruhut mengaku para penolak dirinya adalah Trio SBY alias Syarifuddin Suding dari Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat (Hanura), Bambang Soesatyo (Partai Golkar) dan Ahmad Yani (Partai Persatuan Pembangunan/PPP).

"Selama ini mereka itu, Trio SBY yang menolak aku," ungkap Ruhut.

Ruhut tidak menampik atas tudingan berbagai pihak terkait kehidupan pribadinya termasuk soal perkawinan dan perihal anaknya.

"BK juga akan aku buka. Kalian kan lawyer, kan rantai kapal. Itu kan cuma peringatan, itu bukan hukuman. Aku tidak pernah terima (surat dari BK), cuma telepon aja. Mungkin ke fraksi, tidak sampai ke aku," tegasnya.

Jakarta (B2B) - Ruhut Sitompul, Chairman of Commission III of candidates proposed by the Democrat Party threatened to reveal the actions of his colleagues in the legal commission, which opposed him to replace Gede Pasek Suardika.

"I would like to open everything. Tomorrow, all television stations will broadcast live, let all of Indonesia knew who they were. I will open all, because they were cruel to me," Sitompul said in the parliament building Senayan Jakarta, Wednesday (2/10).

According Sitompul, Trio SBY his opponents were, they were Syarifuddin Suding from the People´s Conscience Party (Hanura), Bambang Soesatyo (Golkar Party) and Ahmad Yani (United Development Party / PPP).

"So far they were, Trio SBY who reject me," said Sitompul.

Sitompul not deny the allegations of the parties involved about his personal life include marriage, and about his son.

BK (DPR Ethics Council) also will I said. You are all lawyers, such as ship chain. It was just a warning, it was not a penalty. I never received (letter from BK), just phone. Possible to fractions, was not delivered to me," he said.