AirAsia QZ8501 Korbannya yang Hilang Masih Terus Dicari Basarnas

Indonesian Search and Rescue Agency Continue Search for AirAsia Victims

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

AirAsia QZ8501 Korbannya yang Hilang Masih Terus Dicari Basarnas
Kepala Badan SAR Nasional (Basarnas) Marsekal Madya TNI FH Bambang Soelistyo menegaskan, seluruh upaya evakuasi pesawat Air Asia yang jatuh di Selat Karimata itu akan terus dilanjutkan (Foto2: MailOnline)

Jakarta (B2B) - Keputusan penarikan unsur TNI dari operasi evakuasi Air Asia QZ8501 sempat memunculkan kabar penghentian operasi evakuasi Air Asia QZ8501.

Namun, Kepala Badan SAR Nasional (Basarnas) Marsekal Madya TNI FH Bambang Soelistyo menegaskan, seluruh upaya evakuasi pesawat Air Asia yang jatuh di Selat Karimata itu akan terus dilanjutkan.

''Penarikan unsur TNI tidak ada hubungannya dengan penghentian operasi pencarian dan pertolongan Air Asia QZ 8501. Operasi tersebut akan tetap dilanjutkan,'' kata Soelistyo kepada wartawan di Kantor Basarnas, Rabu (28/1).

Soelistyo sempat mengakui, penarikan unsur TNI tersebut sempat menimbulkan kegaduhan informasi di publik terkait kelanjutan operasi evakuasi Air Asia QZ 8501. Namun, Soelistyo membantahnya.

Ia memastikan, TNI telah menarik kekuatan dari tim gabungan SAR Air Asia QZ 8501 terhitung sejak Selasa (27/1) kemarin. Keputusan ini pun telah dikoordinasikan baik antara Panglima TNI dan Kepala Basarnas selaku pimpinan dalam operasi evakuasi Air Asia QZ8501.

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian Search and Rescue Agency, known as Basarnas, will still continue its search for the remaining 92 victims of the ill-fated AirAsia flight, according to Basarnas Chief Vice Marshal F.H. Bambang Soelistyo.

"The withdrawal of military personnel does not mean that the search and rescue operation has been shut down," Soelistyo noted in a press statement at the Basarnas central office here on Wednesday (28/1).

He said the military personnel had played their role in accordance with the initial plan to successfully discover and retrieve 17 bodies of the victims.

"But, as no more victims were discovered in the past two days, the TNI (Indonesian Military) withdrew its personnel from the search area," the Basarnas chief remarked.

He further noted that the search operation will still continue. The survey ship is still trying to find new search sites as the extension of the search operation depends on the dynamics on the field.

According to him, the second plan of action will be implemented after the search members are given a two-day rest period.

"On Saturday, the search team will again be deployed at the main sector to continue the search," he said.