LQ45 di BEI Paling Aktif Ditransaksikan di Asia Pasifik
Indonesia´s Blue Chip Stocks Secures Top Place in Asia Pacific
Reporter : Gatot Priyantono
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Kinerja saham-saham unggulan yang masuk dalam daftar 45 saham paling aktif ditransaksikan (LQ45) secara year to date mengalami kenaikan signifikan.
World Federation of Exchanges melansir, hingga akhir Januari 2014 kinerja indeks LQ45 mencatat kenaikan tertinggi dibanding kinerja indeks saham unggulan di bursa kawasan Asia Pasifik.
Berdasarkan data PT Bursa Efek Indonesia, kinerja LQ45 secara year to date naik 9,18%. Kenaikan ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan kinerja Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) sebesar 7,58%.
Sementara, dibandingkan kinerja saham unggulan di bursa negara lain kawasan Asia Pasifik, kinerja indeks LQ45 naik paling tinggi sebesar 4,3% pada Januari 2014.
Jakarta (B2B) - Performance of blue-chip stocks listed in LQ45 Index year-to-date wise is higher than indices of blue-chip stocks across Asia Pacific bourses, according to the World Federation of Exchanges’ data.
Price increase in blue-chip stocks is driven by positive sentiment as current account deficit begins decreasing.
According to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)’s data, year-to-date performance of LQ45 Index rises 9.18 percent, higher than the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI)’s performance of 7.58 percent.
Meanwhile, compared to the performance of the leading stocks in the market countries in Asia Pacific, the performance LQ45 index rose highest, reaches 4.3% in January 2014.