Besok, Dewan Direksi di 3 BUMN Dipanggil BK DPR

Tomorrow, Honorary Council Summon BOD of 3 State Enterprises

Reporter : Reza Syariati
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Intan Permata Sari

Besok, Dewan Direksi di 3 BUMN Dipanggil BK DPR
Dahlan Iskan saat dipanggil Badan Kehormatan DPR (Foto: Vivanews)

Jakarta (B2B) - Tiga dewan direksi Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dari PT PAL (Persero), PT Garam dan PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines dipanggil Badan Kehormatan DPR, Selasa besok (20/11). Menyikapi laporan Menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan terkait dugaan pemerasan sejumlah anggota DPR terhadap direksi di tiga BUMN tersebut.

"Besok jam 10:30 Wib akan dipanggil tiga direksi untuk dimintai keterangan. Lima nama yang disebut akan dipanggil setelah direksinya. Soal nama yang direvisi juga akan dimintai keterangan kepada Pak Dahlan," kata Ketua BK DPR, M Prakosa di Gedung DPR Senayan Jakarta, Senin (19/11/12).

Menurutnya, pemeriksaan tiga direksi BUMN akan dilakukan secara tertutup. Sebab hal ini berkaitan dengan nama-nama anggota DPR yang diduga melakukan pemerasan terhadap BUMN.

Prakosa mengatakan, setelah direksi BUMN dipanggil, BK akan memanggil Dahlan Iskan untuk meminta penjelasan soal surat revisi yang menyebutkan adanya revisi nama oknum anggota DPR pemeras BUMN. "Total sekarang ada lima nama. Rabu lusa (21/11) BK akan memanggil Dahlan Iskan," tandasnya.

Jakarta (B2B) - Three boards of director from PT PAL (Persero), PT Garam and PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines will be summoned by the DPR’s Honorary Council tomorrow on Tuesday (20/11). On the report by Minister of State-Owned Enterprise Dahlan Iskan about the extortion allegation committed by a number of House members.

“Tomorrow at 10.30 AM, the members of three BODs will be investigated. The 5 names mentioned will be investigated after the BODs. Regarding the revised names, Dahlan will also be investigated,” says Chair of Honorary Council, M Prakosa, in DPR’s office, Senayan, Jakarta, on Monday (19/11).

He argues that the investigation will be conducted privately because it concerns the names of members allegedly committing extortion to state-owned enterprise.

Prakosa says that after the BOD, the Council will summon Dahlan to ask for clarification on the revision letter containing names of members extorting state enterprise. “Now there are 5 names in total. On Wednesday (21/11), the Council will summon Dahlan Iskan,” he concludes.