Camat dan Lurah Dilelang, Hingga Hari ke-4 Diminati 801 Kandidat

Auction Sub-district and Village Heads, 801 Candidates Signed Up to the Fourth Day

Reporter : Rahmat Kartolo
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu

Camat dan Lurah Dilelang, Hingga Hari ke-4 Diminati 801 Kandidat
Situs lelang camat dan lurah DKI Jakarta (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Hingga hari keempat, pendaftaran calon lurah dan camat di DKI Jakarta via internet (online) disambut antusias yang mencapai 801 kandidat. Kandidat lurah mencapai 574 orang dan camat diminati 227 kandidat dan pendaftaran dibuka hingga 22 April mendatang.

Berikut incian jumlah pendaftar:
1. 8 April 2013, pendaftar calon lurah: 305 orang, camat: 129 orang
2. 9 April 2013, pendaftar calon lurah: 160 orang, camat: 64 orang
3. 10 April 2013, pendaftar calon lurah: 73 orang, camat: 23 orang
4. 11 April 2013, pendaftar calon lurah: 36 orang, camat: 11 orang.

Jadwal lelang lurah dan camat:
1. Pengumuman penerimaan seleksi tanggal 6 April
2. Pendaftaran online tanggal 8-22 April
3. Tahap 1 Kompetensi Bidang tanggal 27-28 April (tes tertulis dengan scan)
4. Rapat penentuan hasil tes tanggal 2 Mei (prediksi peserta 1866)
5. Pengumuman hasil tes tanggal 2 Mei
6. Tahap II Kompetensi Manaherial (SWOT, LGD, Wawancara) tanggal 6-11 Juni
7. Pengumuman hasil tes tanggal 13 Juni
8. Rekam jejak dari publik tanggal 14-17 Juni (diumumkan 3 kandidat dari masing2 jabatan camat dan lurah melalui papan pengumuman atau website)
9. Penyampaian laporan kepada tim Baperjab (asisten sekda, sekda, gubernur dan wagub) tanggal 18 Juni (dilaporkan 3 kandidat dari masing-masing jabatan berdasarkan rangking)
10. Pelantikan camat dan lurah tanggal 21 Juni

Jakarta (B2B) - Registration of candidates for village heads and subdistrict in Jakarta via the Internet (online) greeted enthusiastically, reaching 801 candidates. Candidates village heads reached 574 people and 227 people enthused district title and registration open until April 22.

Here are details of the number of registrants:
1. 8 April 2013, prospective applicants village heads: 305 people, sub-district heads: 129 people
2. 9 April 2013, prospective applicants village heads: 160 people, sub-district heads: 64 people
3. 10 April 2013, prospective applicants village heads: 73 people, sub-district heads: 23
4. 11 April 2013, prospective applicants village heads: 36, sub-district heads: 11.

Auction Schedule
1. Announcement of acceptance selection April 6
2. Register online April 8 to 22
3. Stage 1 Competency Field April 27-28 (written test with a scan)
4. The meeting to decide the results of tests on May 2 (1866 participant predictions)
5. Announcement of the results of tests on May 2
6. Phase II Competence Manaherial (SWOT, LGD, interview) dated June 6 to 11
7. Announcement of the results of the test on June 13
8. The track record of the public on June 14 to 17 (announced three candidates from each sub-district and village heads positions by notice or website)
9. Submission of reports to the team Advisory Board Position (Baperjab) June 18 (reported three candidates from each position ranked)
10. Inauguration of sub-district head and village heads on 21 June