Konvensi Capres Demokrat Sebaiknya Dihentikan?

Indonesian Ruler Party`s Told to Abandon its Presidential Convention

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Konvensi Capres Demokrat Sebaiknya Dihentikan?
Ilustrasi: theguardian.com

Jakarta (B2B) - Partai Demokrat disarankan untuk mengakhiri konvensi calon presiden demi menyikapi hasil perolehan suara partai yang jauh dari target.

"Konvensi ini kan untuk mencari calon presiden. Kalau posisi sekarang memang agak susah untuk melanjutkan konvensi, karena Demokrat enggak bisa usung (capres) sendiri," kata Wakil Ketua Majelis Tinggi Partai Demokrat Marzuki Alie dalam sebuah diskusi di Jakarta, Kamis.

Ketua DPR RI itu mengatakan, berdasarkan sejumlah hasil hitung cepat, partai bernomor urut 7 itu hanya menempati posisi ke empat dari 12 parpol peserta pemilu.

Perolehan suaranya pun, lanjutnya, jauh dari target yang dipatok partai sebesar 15 persen, untuk bisa mengajukan calon presiden hasil konvensi.

Sebagai salah satu peserta konvensi capres, Marzuki mengungkapkan bahwa parpol lain boleh saja mengambil salah satu dari mereka untuk diajak bergabung.

"Silakan tawarkan saja ke anggota konvensi kalau ada peluang yang bagus dalam kompetisi," ujarnya.

Namun, Marzuki menegaskan hal tersebut hanyalah saran yang disampaikannya. Itu artinya, keputusan terakhir dan final ditentukan oleh Ketua Majelis Tinggi Partai Demokrat, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

"Tentu, saya kembalikan ke ketua majelis tinggi," ucapnya.

Sebelumnya, dalam sejumlah hasil hitung cepat, posisi Partai Demokrat berada di bawah PDI Perjuangan, Partai Golkar dan Partai Gerindra.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian political party, Democrat Party's had called for the cancellation of the ruling partys presidential convention following its low vote tally in the April 9 legislative election.

"The convention was held to select a presidential candidate. In view of the current position, it was difficult to nominate a presidential candidate," Vice chief of the Democrat Partys supreme council Marzuki Alie had called in a discussion here on Thursday.

Marzuki, who is also the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR)s chairman, said a quick vote count by a number of pollsters showed that the Democrat Party was ranked fourth among the 12 parties that contested in the election.

The vote tally fell short of the partys target of 15 percent to be able to field its own candidate in the July 9 presidential election, he added.

As one of the participants of the presidential convention, Marzuki said another political party may pick one of the partys candidates to become its partner in the presidential election.

"Please offer the chance to the participants of the convention," he said.

Marzuki added, however, that it was for the chief of the partys supreme council Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who was also the countrys president, to decide.

"Of course, I will return the matter to the chief of the supreme council," he said.

Under the Election Law, a party must gain at least 25 percent of popular vote or control 20 percent of the seats in the House of Representatives to be able to field a candidate.

According to the result of the quick vote count by the Jakarta-based pollster Lingkaran Survei Indonesia (LSI), the ruling Democrat Party finished fourth with 9.72 percent, losing to the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) in the first place, the Golkar Party in the second place and the Greater Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Party in the third place.