Pejabat Polri untuk Posisi Strategis Harus Ikut Program `Tax Amnesty`

Indonesian Police Officers Have to Follow the Tax Amnesty: NGO

Reporter : Edo Andhika
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Pejabat Polri untuk Posisi Strategis Harus Ikut Program `Tax Amnesty`
Kapolri Jenderal Tito Karnavian dan Wakapolri Komjen Syafruddin (Foto: istimewa)

Jakarta (B2B) - Kepemimpinan Kepolisian RI (Polri) di bawah Kapolri Jenderal Tito Karnavian dan Wakapolri Komisaris Jenderal Syafruddin diharapkan dapat segera membenahi Polri dan mempercepat revolusi mental di jajaran aparat penegak hukum, dan dalam proses mutasi diharapkan perwira yang memegang posisi strategis wajib mengikuti program tax amnesty.

Ketua Presidium Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) Neta S Pane mengatakan sebagai aparatur penegak hukum, para perwira Polri harus memberi contoh kepada publik untuk ikut dalam program tax amnesty yang sedang digalakkan oleh Presiden RI Joko Widodo.

"Selain itu, para pejabat Polri harus melaporkan kekayaannya. Bila perlu tim assesment melakukan cek ke KPK apakah perwira itu pernah masuk radar KPK atau tidak, agar bisa diketahui tingkat ketidakwajaran kekayaannya," kata Neta S Pane melalui pernyataan tertulisnya.

Katanya, prioritas kedua adalah membenahi sistem pendidikan Polri dengan mewujudkan rekrutmen berbasis kompetensi dengan assesment system, memperkuat sistem pengawasan internal agar aparatur Polri bekerja on the track, dan tidak mengecewakan publik.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian Police Chief, Gen. Tito Karnavian with his deputy Commissioner Gen. Syafruddin should accelerate mental revolution as law enforcement institutions, and in the process of mutation positions, especially police officers in strategic positions required to follow the tax amnesty program, according to the NGO.

The Chairman Presidium of Indonesian Police Watch Neta S Pane said as law enforcement officials, police officers must be role models of the people to participate in a tax amnesty program in President Joko Widodo administration.

"The police officers have to report the assets. If necessary, the assessment team did a check to the Anti-graft Commission whether they have been a target for arrest, in order to know whether its assets are reasonable or not," Mr Pane said through a written statement.

He said the second priority is to fix the education system of the Police with the assessment of competency-based recruitment system, strengthen internal control systems so that police officers working on the track, and does not disappoint the public.