Calon Wapres untuk Jokowi Diumumkan setelah Pengumuman KPU

VP Candidate for Jokowi to Announce by PDIP after Official Count of Votes

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Calon Wapres untuk Jokowi Diumumkan setelah Pengumuman KPU

Jakarta (B2B) - PDI Perjuangan akan mengumumkan nama calon wakil presiden pendamping Joko Widodo setelah mengetahui hasil suara resmi Pemilu Legislatif 2014 dari Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU).

"Perolehan suara dari hasil hitung cepat baru hasil sementara untuk memetakan posisi parpol, tapi hasil resminya akan diumumkan KPU," kata mantan Sekretaris Jenderal DPP PDI Perjuangan Pramono Anung Wibowo di Jakarta, Kamis.

Menurut Pramono berdasarkan hasil hitung cepat perolehan suara PDI Perjuangan sekitar 18,90%, tapi hasil suara resmi dari KPU, apakah sama dengan hasil hitung cepat atau bisa mencapai angka 20 persen.

Karena itu, kata dia, DPP PDI Perjuangan menunggu kepastian suara resmi dari KPU lebih dulu.

"Karena ini, akan sangat menentukan pengusungan pasangan capres dan cawapres dari PDI Perjuangan," katanya.

Wakil Ketua DPR RI ini menjelaskan, di internal DPP PDI Perjuangan sudah didiskusikan beberapa nama yang masuk dalam daftar bakal cawapres untuk mendampingi Jokowi, tapi keputusannya pada Ketua Umum DPP PDI Perjuangan Megawati Soekarnoputri dan capres PDI Perjuangan Joko Widodo.

Soal siapa figur yang akan mendampingi Jokowi, kata dia, segera ada gambaran setelah KPU mengumumkan hasil resmi perolehan suara.

"Saat ini PDI Perjuangan terus membangun komunikasi intensif dengan partai politik lain maupun figur dalam daftar bakal cawapres Jokowi, baik oleh struktural PDI Perjuangan, Pak Jokowi maupun yang lainnya," katanya.

Pramono menegaskan PDI Perjuangan akan mengumumkan nama cawapres untuk Jokowi pada saat yang tepat.

PDI Perjuangan, kata dia, belajar banyak dari pengalaman pada tahun 2004 dan 2009, ketika dua kali gagal memenangi pemilu presiden.

"Menghadapi Pemilu Presiden 2014, PDI Perjuangan harus lebih cermat. Insya Allah, kita mendapat dukungan maksimal dari masyarakat," katanya.

Ketika disebut beberapa nama yang disebut-sebut akan mendampingi Jokowi, seperti Jusuf Kalla dan Mahfud MD, Pramono secara taktis menjawab, "yang pasti figur tersebut adalah warga negara Indonesia".

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesia Democratic Party Struggle (PDIP) will announce its vice presidential candidate only after the official count of votes from the recent legislative elections is known.

"The results of quick counts so far are still temporary but the fixed results will be made known only by the General Elections Commission (KPU)," Pramono Anung, former PDIP secretary general, noted here on Thursday.

He explained that based on quick counts, PDIP obtained around 19 percent of votes but it is not yet known if the official count by KPU will be the same or higher than the quick counts.

In view of that, PDIP will wait for the official announcement of the vote count by KPU, scheduled for early next month, before deciding to announce its presidential candidate.

"The official count will determine PDIPs tickets," he clarified.

Pramono Anung who is also deputy House speaker explained that PDIP had already discussed several names for a vice presidential candidate but the final decision about it will be made by PDIPs general chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri and Jokowi, PDIPs presidential candidate.

Who will be the best one to be Jokowi´s running mate will be known only after KPU announced the official count, he reiterated.

"PDIP is now intensively communicating with other political parties or figures with regard to the partys vice presidential candidate," he announced.

PDIP needs to cooperate with other parties to meet the presidential threshold set at 25 percent to be able to assure its presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Pramono added that PDIP will announce the name of its vice presidential candidate at the right moment.

He pointed out that PDIP will take a lesson from its failures to win presidential elections in 2004 and 2009.

"To meet the 2014 presidential election PDIP must be more careful. God willing, we will get maximum support from the people," he asserted.

Pramono declined to comment when asked to confirm on potential figures for Jokowis running mate such as former vice president Jusuf Kalla and former constitutional court chief justice Mahfud MD.

The presidential election is scheduled on July 9.