Anggaran `Siluman` di APBD DKI Dilaporkan Ahok ke KPK

Jakarta Governor Report KPK Alleged Corruption in Regional Budget

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Anggaran `Siluman` di APBD DKI Dilaporkan Ahok ke KPK
Dukungan netizen di media sosial terhadap Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Basuki T Purnama alias Ahok (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, akrab disapa Ahok melaporkan dugaan korupsi dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) Jakarta 2015 ke Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK).

"Mau melaporkan temuan kami mengenai APBD DKI," kata Basuki di gedung KPK Jakarta, Jumat.

"Bawa semua kalau bukti," ungkap Basuki.

Menurut Ahok, bukti tersebut merupakan angka yang menyimpang dari Kebijakan Umum Anggaran Priorotas Plafon Anggaran Sementara (KUA PPAS).

"Ini bukti yang kita bawa bukti yang ditandatangani DPRD semua. Kami temukan ini menyimpang dari KUA PPAS yang kami tanda tangani, ini bukti sangat jelas. Biar KPK saja yang melakukan penyidikan semua bukti-bukti ini," tambah Ahok.

Pelaksana tugas pimpinan KPK Johan Budi menyatakan mempersilakan Basuki untuk melaporkan dugaan korupsi APBD ke KPK.

"Silakan Pak Ahok kalau mau melapor ke KPK, kami siap menindaklanjuti dengan tentu saja melakukan telaah terlebih dahulu ada unsur pidana korupsinya atau tidak," ucap Johan, melalui pesan singkat.

Sebelumnya diketahui bahwa Basuki menemukan 'anggaran siluman' sebesar Rp12,1 triliun, setelah konsep APBD yang disahkan dikirimkan ke Kemendagri.

Setelah konsep APBD disahkan pada 27 Januari 2015 lalu ke Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) DKI Jakarta, ternyata DPRD melakukan pembahasan kembali konsep APBD yang disahkan itu sehingga bisa muncul anggaran siluman senilai Rp12,1 triliun.

Anggaran sebesar Rp12,1 triliun itu disebut-sebut untuk membeli "uninterruptible power supply" (UPS) di tiap kelurahan di Jakarta Barat. Pengadaan itu memakai anggaran sebanyak Rp4,2 miliar.

Basuki pun tidak setuju dengan hal itu, sehingga mengirimkan konsep APBD versi pemda ke ke Kemendagri. DPRD yang tidak terima APBD yang dikirim ke Kemendagri bukan hasil pembahasan, pun menggunakan hak angketnya untuk menyelidiki Basuki dan apa yang sebenarnya sudah terjadi.

Jakarta (B2B) -  Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama visited the Indonesian Anti-graft Commission, known as the KPK office here on Friday to report the involvement of alleged graft in the regional budget of the city for 2015.

"We wish to report our findings in the Jakarta regional budget 2015," he said at the KPK building, adding that he had also brought documents as evidence.

"We brought all documents as proof," he added.

Mr Purnama stated that evidence showed figures deviating from the General Budget Policy for Provisional Budget Ceiling Priority (KUA PPAS).

"The documents we brought are those that were signed by all legislative assembly members. We found that they violated the KUA PPAS that we signed. This proof is very clear. So let the KPK investigate them," he remarked.

Acting KPK commissioner Johan Budi had earlier asked Ahok, as the governor is also known, to report the alleged case of corruption in the regional budget to the anti-graft body if he wished to.

"Go ahead, Pak (Mr) Ahok, if you want to report it to the KPK. We will certainly follow it up after we study it to find criminal elements of corruption," Budi had affirmed.

The governor had pointed out that he had found "mystery" allocations worth Rp12.1 trillion after the approved draft regional budget was sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

After the draft budget was approved on January 27 by the legislative assembly (DPRD), it was found that the DPRD had later deliberated over the draft budget again and produced a new one, which led to the finding of a "mystery" allocation worth Rp12.1 trillion.

The new budget was allocated to buy uninterruptible power supply units. Mr Purnama rejected the new budget and sent the version that had been proposed by the city administration to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The DPRD rejected his move of sending the draft budget, which was not a result of their latest deliberation, and decided to use their right to investigate to find that he had violated the law.