Trigana Air yang Jatuh di Papua Bawa Dana BLT Rp600 Miliar

Plane which Crashed in Indonesia Jungle was Carrying $500,000 in Cash

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Trigana Air yang Jatuh di Papua Bawa Dana BLT Rp600 Miliar
Pesawat ATR42-300 twin turboprop milik Trigana Air terbang dari Jayapura ke kota Oksibil ketika kehilangan kontak (Peta & Data: MailOnline)

PESAWAT PENUMPANG yang mengangkut 54 orang yang jatuh di Indonesia membawa uang tunai hampir setengah juta dolar untuk warga miskin, telah ditemukan.

Puing-puing reruntuhan pesawat turboprop Trigana Air Service terlihat dari udara pada Senin pagi di daerah perbukitan dari provinsi paling timur Indonesia, Papua.

Belum diketahui apakah ada korban selamat dari kecelakaan yang terjadi pada Minggu, di tengah cuaca buruk. Kondisi cuaca dan medan sulit menghambat upaya untuk mencapai lokasi kecelakaan yang terpencil hari ini.

Empat pegawai PT Pos Indonesia yang menumpang pesawat naas tersebut tengah membawa empat kantong uang tunai Rp6,5 miliar untuk dana bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) kompensasi dari kenaikan harga BBM, kata Haryono, kepala kantor pos di Jayapura, ibukota Papua.

Pesawat ATR42-300 twin turboprop terbang dari Jayapura ke kota Oksibil ketika kehilangan kontak.

Juru bicara kementerian transportasi JA Barata mengatakan tidak ada indikasi bahwa pilot melakukan panggilan darurat.

Uang tunai dari Kementerian Sosial RI itu harus disalurkan kepada warga miskin di daerah-daerah terpencil sebagai dana BLT.

"Mereka membawa empat tas (isi uang tunai) yang akan diberikan kepada warga miskin di Oksibil melalui kantor pos di sana," kata Haryono seperti dilansir MailOnline.

A PASSENGER PLANE with 54 people on board that crashed in Indonesia was carrying nearly half a million dollars in government cash for poor families, it has emerged.

Smouldering wreckage of the Trigana Air Service turboprop plane was spotted from the air on Monday morning in a rugged area of the easternmost province of Papua.

It is not yet clear if there are any survivors from Sunday's crash, which happened in bad weather. Poor conditions have continued to hamper efforts to reach the remote crash site today.

Four postal workers aboard the plane were escorting four bags of cash totalling $468,750 in government fuel aid money, said Haryono, the head of the post office in Jayapura, the provincial capital.

The ATR42-300 twin turboprop plane was flying from Jayapura to the city of Oksibil when it lost contact.

Transportation ministry spokesman Julius Barata said there was no indication that the pilot had made a distress call.

The cash from the social affairs ministry was to be distributed among poor people in remote areas to cushion the jump in fuel costs, said Haryono.

'They were carrying those bags (of cash) to be handed out to poor people in Oksibil through a post office there,' Haryono said.

President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo's administration raised fuel prices late last year and slashed government subsidies, a move the government says will save the country billions of dollars but has already sparked angry protests around the country.