Partai Demokrat tidak Pernah Sebut Ketua Umum Jadi Calon Presiden

Democrat Party Never Named its General Chairman as the Presidential Candidate

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Parulian Manalu

Partai Demokrat tidak Pernah Sebut Ketua Umum Jadi Calon Presiden
Kampanye Pemilihan Presiden 2009 (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Petinggi Partai Demokrat (PD) masih mencari sosok terbaik untuk dicalonkan sebagai calon presiden untuk pemilu 2014, kata anggota dewan penasehat PD, Syarif Hasan. Kandidatnya tidak selalu harus dari ketua umum partai.

Dia menjelaskan: "Partai Demokrat pada 2004 dan pemilihan presiden 2009 juga tidak menyebutkan nama ketua umum sebagai calon."

Hasan yang juga menteri koperasi dan usaha kecil dan menengah mengatakan figur terbaik akan menjadi orang yang cocok untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin, populer dan memiliki tingkat elektabilitas tinggi dan ia berharap sosok tersebut akan datang dari internal partai.

Ditanya tentang peluang Anas Urbaningrum, sebagai ketua umum partai, Hasan mengatakan berdasarkan pengalaman 2004 dan 2009 partai tidak pernah menyebut ketua umum sebagai calon.

"Pada pemilu 2004, Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Subur Budisantoso, tidak menjadi calon presiden dan begitu pula Hadi Utomo, sebagai ketua umum partai saat pemilu 2009. Saat itu Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (yang menjabat presiden) yang populer di masyarakat," katanya.

Dia mengatakan bahwa aturan partai juga tidak menyatakan bahwa ketua umum secara otomatis akan menjadi calon presiden.

"Jadi, sikap partai akan ditentukan oleh para petinggi partai. Sampai sekarang belum ditemukan sosok yang tepat. Partai Demokrat masih mencari sosok tersebut," katanya lagi.

Syarif mengakui bahwa bagaimanapun ia lebih condong pada sosok di internal partai dan tidak mungkin sosoknya adalah Kristiani Herawati atau Ani Yudhoyono, istri Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

"Nah, mari kita tunggu dan lihat," tambahnya.

Jakarta (B2B) - The ruling Democrat Party is still looking for the best figure to be nominated as the party`s presidential candidate for the 2014 election, advisory board member Syarif Hasan said.

And the person will not always be the party`s general chairman, he said at the parliament building here on Wednesday.

He explained "the Democrat Party in the 2004 and 2009 presidential elections also did not name its general chairmen as candidates."

Hasan who is also minister of cooperatives and small and medium businesses said the best figure would be the one who is fit to be a leader, popular and has a high electability rate and he hoped the figure would come from within the party.

Asked about the possibility of Anas Urbaningrum, the present party general chairman, Hasan said based on the 2004 and 2009 experience the party never named its general chairmen as candidates.

"In the 2004 election the Democrat Party general chairman, Subur Budisantoso, did not become a presidential candidate and neither did Hadi Utomo, the party`s general chairman, in the 2009 election. The party at the time named Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (the current president) who was popular among the people," he said.

He said that the party`s rules also do not state that the general chairman would automatically become a presidential candidate.

"So, the party`s stance would be determined by the people`s will. Until now no exact figure has been found. The Democrat Party is still looking for the person," he said.

Syarif said however that he himself preferred a person from within the party and it was not impossible that person would be Kristiani Herawati or Ani Yudhoyono, the wife of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

"Well, let us just wait and see," he added.