Menkes Pastikan Belum Ada Kasus Ebola di Indonesia

Health Minister: No Ebola Virus Found in Indonesia

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Menkes Pastikan Belum Ada Kasus Ebola di Indonesia
Menkes Nafsiah Mboi (kiri) dan Mentan Suswono (ke-2 kiri) bersama delegasi di pertemuan internasional tentang penyakit menular (Foto: B2B/Mya)

Jakarta (B2B) - Pemerintah RI memastikan hingga saat ini belum ada kasus Ebola di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan terhadap pasien terduga lelaki berinisial M, 32 tahun dinyatakan negatif. M, warga Ghana, saat ini dirawat di RS Penyakit Infeksi Sulianti Suroso dinyatakan positif mengidap penyakit malaria.

Menteri Kesehatan Nafsiah Mboi melalui pernyataan tertulis, Senin, mengingatkan masyarakat untuk tidak panik terhadap penyebaran virus Ebola di Indonesia. Meskipun begitu, kewaspadaan tetap perlu diperhatikan. Jangan lupa untuk selalu menjaga kesehatan dengan berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS).

Data WHO, 20 Agustus 2014, menyebutkan bahwa total kumulatif kasus global sebanyak 2.615 kasus dengan 1.427 kematian (Case fatality rate /CFR =54,57 %).

Kasus ini masih tersebar di 4 negara terjangkit di Afrika Barat, yaitu Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone dan Nigeria. Di Guinea, ditemukan 607 Kasus (443 kasus konfirmasi, 139 kasus probable, dan 25 kasus suspek), 406 diantaranya meninggal (CFR 66,89%).

Di Liberia, tercatat 1.082 kasus (269 kasus konfirmasi, 554 kasus probable, dan 259 kasus suspek) termasuk 624 kematian (CFR 57,67 %). Sementara di Sierra Leone dilaporkan 910 kasus (804 kasus konfirmasi, 40 kasus probable dan 66 kasus suspek) termasuk 392 kematian (CFR 43,08%).

Adapun di Nigeria ditemukan 16 kasus (12 kasus konfirmasi, 0 kasus probable dan 4kasus suspek) termasuk 5 kematian dengan (CFR 31,25%).

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian government to ensure that there had been no case of Ebola virus in Indonesia. The examination of M (32 years), a patient suspected Ebola virus is negative. The male citizen of Ghana is currently being treated at Dr Sulianti Saroso - Hospital Infection Diseases in Jakarta. He is positive for malaria.

Indonesian Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi through the written statement conference urged people not to panic over the spread of ebola virus in Indonesia.

Even so, everybody must raise the awareness. Nafsiah Mboi reminded Indonesian people to always maintain healthy living behaviours.

World Health Organization (WHO) data recorded a total of 2,615 Ebola cases in the world with 1,427 deaths.

The case spread in four countries in West Africa, namely Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. In Guinea, there are 607 cases, consist of 443 cases confirmed, 139 probable cases and 25 suspected cases. About 406 of them died.
In Liberia, there are 1,082 cases, consist of 269 confirmed cases, 554 probable cases and 259 suspected cases, including 624 deaths. In Sierra Leone was reported 910 cases, consisted of 804 confirmed cases, 40 probable cases and 66 suspected cases, including 392 deaths.

In Nigeria, there are 16 cases, consist of 12 confirmed cases and 4 suspected cases with five deaths.