Aksi 212 di Gedung DPR, Polda Metro Jaya Kerahkan 10 Ribu Personel

Jakarta Police Deploy 10,000 Personnel to Secure February 21 Anti-Ahok Rally

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Aksi 212 di Gedung DPR, Polda Metro Jaya Kerahkan 10 Ribu Personel
Foto: metrotvnews.com

Jakarta (B2B) - Polda Metro Jaya akan mengerahkan 10.000 personil untuk mengamankan 'Aksi 212' di depan Gedung DPR/MPR RI pada Selasa (21/2).

Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Metro Jaya Komisaris Besar Polisi Argo Yuwono mengatakan bahwa petugas kepolisian siap mengawal aksi.

"Polda Metro Jaya telah menerima surat pemberitahuan terkait rencana demo tersebut yang disampaikan koordinator aksi pada Sabtu (18/2) dan unjuk rasa dilaksanakan pada Selasa (21/2)," katanya pada Minggu.

Berdasarkan pemberitahuan, massa akan beraksi usai sholat subuh kemudian beranjak menuju Gedung DPR/MPR RI pukul 07.00 WIB.

Massa menuntut hukuman terhadap calon Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama atau Ahok sebagai terdakwa penodaan agama.

Terkait aksi itu, Argo mengimbau massa menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban selama menyampaikan pendapat di muka umum.

Massa juga diminta menggelar aksi hingga pukul 18.00 WIB sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 1998 tentang Penyampaian Pendapat di Muka Umum.

Sebelumnya, Gerakan Nasional Pengawal Fatwa (GNPF) MUI dan Forum Umat Islam (FUI) berencana menggelar aksi 212 untuk mengawal proses hukum Ahok.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesia's Jakarta Police will deploy 10,000 personnel to ensure security during a February 21 rally outside the parliament building here, according to the spokesman.

Jakarta Police spokesman Senior Commissioner Argo Yuwono said police officers are ready to guard the rally.

"The police received a notification from the rally coordinator on Saturday (Feb 18) stating a plan to stage a rally on Tuesday (February 21)," he said on Sunday.

Participants of the rally will march to the parliament building at around 07.00 a.m. after they perform Subuh prayers.

They will demand Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, locally known as Ahok be sentenced on charges of religious blasphemy.

Mr Yuwono said the participants of the rally to maintain public order during the rally and asked the participants of the rally to disperse before 06.00 p.m. in accordance with Law No. 9/1998 on delivering views before the public.

The National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Ulemas Councils Edict (GNPF MUI) and the Muslim Forum (FUI) said earlier they will stage a rally on Tuesday (Feb 21) to guard the legal process of the Ahok case.