Wisman Asal Rusia Ditemukan Tewas Akibat Digigit Buaya di Papua

Russian Tourist Found Mauled to Death by a Crocodile in Indonesia

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Wisman Asal Rusia Ditemukan Tewas Akibat Digigit Buaya di Papua
Mendiang Sergey Lykhvar semasa hidup berkunjung di Bali dan Papua (Foto2: MailOnline)

SEORANG penyelam scuba asal Rusia usia 37 tahun ditemukan digigit buaya hingga tewas di Indonesia setelah dia diserang oleh buaya.

Sergey Lykhvar tewas ketika menjelajahi perairan lepas di salah satu Kepulauan Raja Ampat di Provinsi Papua Barat, seperti dilaporkan The Sun yang dikutip MailOnline.

Jenazah wisatawan asing naas ditemukan empat hari setelah ia hilang pada 26 Maret lalu.

Prasetyo Budiarto, kepala Badan SAR setempat mengatakan tubuh Mr Lykhvar ditemukan dengan bekas gigitan buaya.

"Kami meyakini bahwa korban ini diserang oleh buaya," kata Prasetyo.

'Salah satu tangan korban hilang. Ada gigitan di pinggul kiri korban yang diyakini akibat gigitan buaya.'

Kedutaan Besar Rusia di Indonesia diyakini telah memberitahu kerabat Sergei Lykhvar tetapi mereka kini mengalami kesulitan mengangkut jenazahnya ke Rusia untuk dimakamkan.

Menurut sepupu Mr Lykhvar ini, Elena Lyhvar setelah mengajukan sejumlah keberatan kepada Kementerian Luar Negeri, Kedutaan Besar Indonesia dan Departemen Konsuler, keluarga mendiang diberitahu mereka harus melakukan perjalanan ke Indonesia untuk melihat jenazahnya.

Pria usia 37 tahun yang tinggal di Kolomna, di Moskow, telah berhenti dari pekerjaannya sebelum ia melakukan perjalanan wisata ke Indonesia.

A 37-YEAR-OLD Russian scuba diver was found mauled to death in Indonesia after he was attacked by a saltwater crocodile.

Sergey Lykhvar was killed while exploring the waters off one of the Raja Ampat Islands in Indonesia’s West Papua province, reported The Sun.

The tourist’s body was discovered four days after he went missing on March 26.

Pracetuo Budiarto, the head of the local rescue service said Mr Lykhvar’s body was found with obvious bite marks.

‘We believe that this man was attacked by a crocodile,’ said Mr Budiarto.

‘The body had one hand missing. There was a well-defined bite on the man’s left hip’.

The Russian embassy in Indonesia is believed to have informed Mr Lykhvar’s relatives but they are now having trouble returning the body home from Russia for a burial, reported the local news outlets.

According to Mr Lykhvar’s cousin, Elena Lyhvar after numerous appeals to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of Indonesia and the Consular Department, the family was told they must travel to Indonesia to see the body.

The 37-year-old who lived in Kolomna, in Moscow, had quit his job before he travelled to Indonesia’s popular tourist destination.