UN Online Diterapkan di DKI, Sekolah di Jakarta Barat Nyatakan Belum Siap

Most School in Indonesia`s Jakarta Not Ready for Online National Exam

Reporter : Roni Said
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

UN Online Diterapkan di DKI, Sekolah di Jakarta Barat Nyatakan Belum Siap
Foto: istimewa

Jakarta (B2B) - Sekolah di Jakarta Barat mengaku belum siap menggelar ujian nasional secara online. Hal ini dikarenakan sarana dan prasarana pendukung belum memadai.

Kepala Sekolah SMA Negeri 112 Jakarta Barat, Sarjono mengaku setuju jika pelaksanaan UN online ditunda. "Selain sarana dan prasarana di sekolah belum mendukung, hingga kini waktu pelaksanannya juga belum jelas," kata Sarjono, Senin (9/3).

Untuk bisa menggelar UN secara online, kata Sarjono, pihaknya perlu membeli unit komputer baru. Hal ini dikarenakan komputer di sekolah yang dipimpinnya sangat terbatas.

"Kebutuhan komputer belum mencukupi. Namun kami tidak akan membeli komputer sebelum ada surat keputusan yang menyatakan SMA 112 turut menggelar UN secara online," ujarnya.

Kasudin Pendidikan Wilayah II Jakarta Barat, Samlawi mengatakan, hingga kini belum ada ketetapan pelaksanaan UN online. "Rencana pelaksanaan UN online masih berbentuk draf.”

Dikatakannya, pelaksanaan UN online tidak dilakukan oleh seluruh sekolah. Untuk Jakarta Barat, Kementerian Kebudayaan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah menunjuk tiga sekolah percontohan, yaitu SMA 78, SMA 112, dan SMA BPK Penabur I, seperti dilansir beritajakarta.com.

Jakarta (B2B) -  As reported before, the government would implement a national exam (UN) online in each school. But most schools are not ready to implement it, especially schools in West Jakarta. This is because they have no inadequate facility and infrastructure.

West Jakarta State Senior High School (SMAN) 112 Principal, Sarjono admitted the online exam in school should be aborted. "Besides inadequate facility, the online system is also still unclear," he stated, Monday (3/9).

Due to limited computer, he also needs to purchase new computers to hold the exam.

"Our computer is very limited. Yet we won't purchase it if there is no decree that saying the SMAN 112 is obligated to implement the exam online," he expressed.

West Jakarta Education Regional II Sub-Department Head, Samlawi uttered that there has been no provision for the implementation of the online exam in school. "Its implementation is still in a draft."

He added the online exam is not implemented by all schools. As for West Jakarta, the Ministry of Culture, Primary and Secondary Education had appointed three schools as a role model, namely SMA 78, SMA 112, and SMA BPK Penabur I.