BBM Naik Harus Segera Diumumkan Pemerintah, kata JK

Indonesian Govt Have to Immediately Announce Fuel Price Hike

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

BBM Naik Harus Segera Diumumkan Pemerintah, kata JK

Jakarta (B2B) - Pemerintah harus segera mengumumkan kenaikan harga BBM untuk menepis keraguan rakyat dan menciptakan situasi perekonomian dan kehidupan sosial yang lebih kondusif.

"Ya memang harus segera diumumkan. Insya Allah begitu Presiden Jokowi tiba di Indonesia segera diumumkan supaya bisa menghilangkan keragu-raguan," kata Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla kepada pers di Jakarta, Jumat.

Menurutnya, pemerintah memang harus menghitung ulang karena harga minyak dunia yang turun menjadi US$80 dolar per barel, sehingga hitungannya lain lagi saat harga minyak di pasaran dunia tinggi.

Meskipun demikian, kata Wapres, rupiah pada saat sama juga melemah sehingga perlu dihitung ulang kombinasi harga minyak dunia dan pelemahan rupiah.

"Jadi berapa persen kenaikan harga BBM dengan melemahnya harga minyak dan melemahnya rupiah mesti diperhitungkan lagi," katanya. (Ant)

Jakarta (B2B) - The Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla stated that government have to immediately announce fuel price hike to dispel public doubts and to create a socially and economically conducive situation.

"It would be announced as soon as possible to allay public doubts when President Joko Widodo returns from his overseas trip," Kalla informed the newsmen at his office here on Friday.

The vice president noted that the government should re-compute the hike in fuel price since the global oil prices had dropped to US$80 per barrel, and the figure will be different when the oil prices in the world market are high.

Kalla pointed out that the rupiah had also concurrently weakened, and so, the combined effects of the global oil prices and the weakening rupiah should be recalculated.

"So, the percentage increase in fuel price needs to be re-examined with reference to the weakening oil prices and the rupiah," he added.