09:00, Jam Masuk Sekolah di DKI Jakarta Didukung Siswa

Jakarta Students Agree on the Changing of the School Hour Admission

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

09:00, Jam Masuk Sekolah di DKI Jakarta Didukung Siswa
Foto: hafizhwords.blogspot.com

Jakarta (B2B) - Rencana Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) DKI Jakarta mengubah kebijakan jam masuk sekolah dari jam 06.30 yang berlaku saat ini menjadi jam 07.00 atau 09.00 disambut positif siswa. Sejumlah siswa SMPN 280 yang terletak di Jalan Cilacap, Kecamatan Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, mengaku mendukung perubahan jam belajar tersebut.

Ali (15), siswa kelas XI mengaku sangat setuju jika jam belajar dimundurkan. Selain punya lebih banyak waktu untuk mempersiapkan diri, dia juga tidak tergesa-gesa dan juga tidak ngantuk. "Dengan jam masuk pukul 06.30, saya sering terlambat dan kena hukum," ucapnya, Jumat (28/3).

Pendapat yang sama juga dikatakan Divine Ruth Sitompul (14) siswi kelas XI. Dia berharap jam masuk sekolah dimundurkan menjadi pukul 08.00. Menurutnya, jam belajar dimulai pukul 06.30 sangat tidak efektif. Banyak siswa yang mengeluh mengantuk dan telat ke sekolah sehingga terkena hukuman.

"Aku maunya jam belajar dimundurkan menjadi jam 08.00 agar ada waktu untuk persiapan. Soalnya bangun pagi itu sulit juga," katanya.

Sementara itu, Ayi Mumuh (33) guru Matematika SMPN 280 Jakarta mengaku sejak jam belajar diberlakukan pukul 06.30 banyak siswa yang tidak siap. Banyak siswa yang terlambat dan terkena hukuman.

"Saya sih setuju saja jam belajar dimundurkan. Tetapi perlu dipikirkan juga jam pulang siswa menjadi sore. Padahal, siswa juga ada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Saya berharap setiap keputusan itu harus yang terbaik buat anak-anak," ujar Ayi yang mengaku sudah menjadi guru di sekolah itu sejak tahun 2006. seperti dilansir beritajakarta.com.

Jakarta (B2B) - New City policy to change school admission hour of 6:30 am, which is currently prevailing, into 07.00 am or 09.00 am is positively welcomed by the students.

A number of students SMPN 280, located on Jalan Cilacap, Menteng Sub-District, Central Jakarta, supported this policy enthusiastically.

Ali (15), a student of class XI, was deeply agree if the study hours is changed. In addition to have more time to prepare everything, he is also not in a hurry and not too sleepy. "If the school admission hour is 06.30 am, I was often late and punished," he said, Friday (3/28).

The same opinion was also said by Divine Ruth  Sitompul (14), student of class XI. She hoped that school hours can be gone back into 8 am. According to her, studying at 06:30 am is not very effective. Many students complain that they always feel sleepy and then late to go to school so they were punished for that.

"I want the study hours could be back to 08.00 am for my preparation time. It`s quite difficult to get up early as well," she complained.

Meanwhile, Ayi Mumuh (33), Math teacher of SMPN 280 Jakarta claimed that since the school admission hour is 06.30 am, many students are not ready for this. They were late and then punished for that.

"I agree with the changing of the school hour admission, but it need to be reviewed about the students returning to home in the afternoon while the students also have extra curricular activities. Every decision that is made, I expect it to be the best for the students," said Ayi who has been a teacher at that school since 2006.