Supriansyah, Saksi Kunci Pertemuan Abraham dan Elit PDIP Penuhi Panggilan Polisi

Indonesian Police Probing Anti-graft Body Chairman Alleged Political Ambition

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Supriansyah, Saksi Kunci Pertemuan Abraham dan Elit PDIP Penuhi Panggilan Polisi
Supriansyah penuhi panggilan Bareskrim Mabes Polri (Foto: istimewa)

Jakarta (B2B) - Badan Reserse Kriminal (Bareskrim) Mabes Polri mulai memeriksa pertemuan antara Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Abraham Samad dengan sejumlah politikus akhirnya angkat bicara ke publik terkait pertemuan terselubung tersebut.

“Saya dipanggil sebagai saksi dalam kasus ini. Saya mulai diperiksa tadi mulai jam 10. Saya ditanya (penyidik) apa benar ada pertemuan, saya jawab benar ada pertemuan tersebut,” kata Supriansyah, yang memenuhi panggilan pemeriksaan oleh Bareskrim, Jumat.

Supriansyah adalah pemilik unit Apartemen The Capital Residence atau yang dikenal ‘rumah kaca’  sebagai saksi terkait laporan Ketua KPK Watch Muhammad Yusuf tentang adanya tulisan di salah satu media terkait pertemuan politik Abraham Samad.

“Memenuhi panggilan polisi berkaitan saya selaku tuan rumah di rumah kaca yang di Kompasiana,” kata Supriansyah di Bareskrim Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Jumat (30/1).

Pria yang mengaku biasa dipanggil Anca itu membenarkan adanya pertemuan tersebut. Seinget Anca, pertemuan tersebut berlangsung sekitar Maret hingga April dan pertemuan tak lebih dari dua kali.

Seperti diketahui, Ketua KPK Abraham Samad dilaporkan pada 22 Januari 2015 dengan nomor laporan LP/75/1/2015 Bareskrim oleh KPK Watch Indonesia ke Bareskrim karena diduga terlibat aktivitas di politik saat Pilpres 2014 lalu. Dalam laporan tersebut Samad diduga melakukan pelanggaran kode etik.

Jakarta (B2B) - Police began probing into alleged political meetings between Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Abraham Samad with leaders of political parties before the presidential election.

"I was questioned as a witness since 10.00 in the morning," Supriansyah said after his session with the investigators at the police headquarters here on Friday.

Mr Supriansyah is the owner of a unit of an apartment tower The Capital Residence, SCBD, Jakarta, where the alleged meeting had taken place.

It is against KPKs strict ethical code not to have secret meetings with political or business leader.

Supriansyah said he knew Abraham Samad since 2000 when they were both anti-corruption activists in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

He said before the first meeting with the leaders of the ruling party PDIP, he met with Abraham at his apartment house.

Mr Samad, however, had repeatedly denied the article as groundless and slanderous. The article said Abraham Samad held six meetings with a number of PDIP leaders before the 2014 election.

Before leaving, Mr Samad asked for his permission to use the house for a meeting with a number of friends, Supriansyah said, adding that he gave his permission.

Supriansyah said at the meeting there were Hasto Kristiyanto and "if I am not mistaken there was also Tjahjo Kumolo" former secretary general of PDI-P, now Home Affairs Minister.

Earlier, Hasto, who is now acting secretary general of the party, accused Abraham of holding intensive meetings with leaders of both PDIP-P and Nasdem in seeking nomination as running mate of popular Joko Widodo (Jopkowi) in the presidential election.

"What was said in a newspaper article titled Green House of Abraham Samad was largely true," Hasto said in a news conference.