Prabowo Diminta Agung Laksono untuk Legowo Terima Penetapan KPU

Golkar Party Senior Politician Hopes Prabowo Subianto Will Concede Defeat

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Prabowo Diminta Agung Laksono untuk Legowo Terima Penetapan KPU
Agung Laksono (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Agung Laksono, Menteri Koordinator Kesejahteraan Rakyat mengharapkan Prabowo Subianto untuk legowo terhadap keputusan Komisi Pemilihan Umum yang menetapkan Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla sebagai pemenang pemilihan presiden 2014.

"Saya sendiri baru tahu sehingga saya tidak bisa berkomentar, lebih baik ada kelegowoan, saya berharap semua ada kelegowoan sehingga ke depan lebih baik," katanya di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Rabu.

Hal itu dikatakannya menanggapi pernyataan Prabowo yang menarik diri dari proses pemilihan presiden 2014 karena merasa banyak kecurangan.

Menurut Agung yang juga Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Golkar, bila ada pihak yang belum menerima keputusan KPU tersebut, menurut Agung sebaiknya diajukan ke Mahkamah Konstitusi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.

Sementara itu, ia juga mengucapkan selamat datang kepada Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla yang telah ditetapkan Komisi Pemilihan Umum sebagai pemenang pemilihan presiden 2014.

"Saya sampaikan selamat datang, semoga dapat memimpin pemerintahan yang lebih baik," katanya di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Rabu.

Menurut Agung yang juga Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Golkar itu, hasil dari pemilihan presiden merupakan kemenangan rakyat dalam berdemokrasi.

Untuk itu, Agung mengharapkan semua pihak dapat menerima dan legowo terhadap hasil yang diumumkan oleh KPU tersebut.

Agung mengaku, dirinya belum mengucapkan secara selamat kepada Jokowi-JK secara langsung.

Jakarta (B2B) -  Indonesian senior minister has urged Prabowo Subianto to accept the decision of the General Elections Commission (KPU) to name the Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla pair as the winner of the presidential election held on July 9.

"It will be good if he will accept it while hoping for the better in the future," Coordinating Minister for Peoples Welfare Agung Laksono stated at the Presidential Palace compound here on Wednesday.

He made the statement in response to Prabowo Subiantos remarks on Tuesday afternoon that he had rejected the implementation of the presidential election and withdrawn from the election process.

Prabowos statement came just as the KPU was finishing the recapitulation of vote tallies nationally. Despite the statement, the KPU continued with the recapitulation process that led to its decision to name the Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla pair as the winner of the election.

Agung Laksono, who is also the vice general chairman of the Golkar Party, suggested that the Prabowo camp should fight its case in the Constitutional Court for its settlement in line with the rules.

Golkar Party is one of the political parties that has supported Prabowo Subiantos bid for presidency.

When announcing his statement on Tuesday afternoon, Prabowo was also flanked by Golkar Partys General Chairman Aburizal "Ical" Bakrie and Secretary General Idrus Marham.

Agung Laksono congratulated the Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla pair for their victory and hoped that they will lead a better government.

He stated that the result of the presidential election was a victory of the people with regard to the development of democracy in the country, and in view of that, he hoped that all sides will accept the result.

Agung confessed that he had not yet personally congratulated the winning pair. Jusuf Kalla, who is a former vice president, is also a Golkar Party figure.