The President Center Tuntut Mantan Menteri Malaysia Minta Maaf

The President Center Sues Former Minister of Malaysia Apologizes

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

The President Center Tuntut Mantan Menteri Malaysia Minta Maaf
BJ Habibie (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Mantan Menteri Penerangan Malaysia, Zainuddin Maidin akan digugat oleh lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) The President Center, karena dituding telah mencemarkan nama baik Presiden ketiga RI, BJ Habibie melalui tulisannya di harian Utusan Malaysia edisi 10 Desember 2012.

Kordinator The President Center Didied Maheswara menuntut Zainuddin Maidin segera meminta maaf kepada bangsa Indonesia melalui media massa internasional, karena telah menghina mantan Presiden BJ Habibie melalui artikel berjudul 'Persamaan BJ Habibie dengan Anwar Nasution'.

Dalam tulisan tersebut, Zainuddin menyebut BJ Habibie pengkhianat bangsa, yang merupakan respons terhadap kunjungan BJ Habibie di Universitas Selangor atas undangan tokoh oposisi Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim.

"Pernyataan Zainuddin sudah menghina Presiden ketiga Republik Indonesia BJ Habibie. Itu artinya sudah merendahkan bangsa Indonesia," kata Didied Maheswara melalui pernyataan tertulisnya, Jumat malam (21/12)

Didied mengingatkan, apabila dalam waktu tiga hari ke depan Zainuddin Maidin tidak menyampaikan permintaan maaf melalui media massa, maka The President Center akan mengajukan gugatan hukum ke pengadilan.

Jakarta (B2B) - Former Malaysian Information Minister, Zainuddin Maidin be sued by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) The President Center, for allegedly defaming the Third President RI, BJ Habibie through his writings in Utusan Malaysia daily edition December 10, 2012.

The President Center Coordinator Didied Maheswara demanding Zainuddin Maidin immediate apology to the people of Indonesia through the international mass media, for insulting former President BJ Habibie through the article titled 'Equation BJ Habibie by Anwar Nasution'.

In this article, Zainuddin called BJ Habibie traitors, which is a response to the visit of President BJ Habibie at the invitation of the University of Selangor Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

"The statement is insulting Zainuddin third President of the Republic of Indonesia BJ Habibie. Means that have lowered the nation of Indonesia," said Didied Maheswara through a statement Friday night (21/12)

Didied warned, if within three days ahead Zainuddin Maidin not an apology through the media, then the President Center will file a lawsuit in court.