Tank Leopard dari Jerman akan Tiba Sebelum 5 Oktober 2013

Leopard Tanks from Germany will Arrive Before 5 October 2013

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu

Tank Leopard dari Jerman akan Tiba Sebelum 5 Oktober 2013
Tank Leopard buatan Jerman (Foto: militaryphotos.net)

Jakarta (B2B) - Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat, Jenderal TNI Pramono Edhi Wibowo mengatakan 164 tank buatan Jerman yang dipesan pemerintah Indonesia akan dikirim sebelum tanggal 5 Oktober tahun ini.

"Pembelian (tank) dilanjutkan sesuai rencana. Kami harapkan tank tersebut akan dikirim sebelum 5 Oktober," kata KSAD dalam pertemuan bidang pertahanan di kantor presiden, Rabu (15/5).

Akhir tahun lalu, Kementerian Pertahanan meneken kontrak dengan Rheinmetall AG, perusahaan teknologi dan militer multinasional, untuk menyuplai tank tempur Leopard.

Kontrak pembelian ditandatangani pada November 2012 untuk alih teknologi. Sesuai kontrak, Indonesia akan membeli Leopard Ri dan A24 dan tank medium Marder berbobot 33 ton.

Indonesia untuk pertama kalinya mendiskusikan pembelian tank dengan perusahaan Jerman ketika Kanselir Angela Merkel berkunjung ke Indonesia tahun lalu.

Steffen Seibert, juru bicara Merkel mengatakan Indonesia adalah mitra utama Jerman, merujuk pada pernyataan Merkel yang mengagumi Indonesia sebagai contoh dari keragaman kehidupan beragama.

Sebelumnya, Anggota Komisi I DPR Tb Hasanuddin mendukung pembelian tank buatan Jerman meskipun Indonesia gagal mendapatkan sejumlah tank Leopard bekas dari pemerintah Belanda pada pertengahan tahun lalu.

"Kementerian Pertahanan mengetahui apa yang terbaik buat negara. Tahun lalu, Indonesia hampir saja membeli tank sejenis dari pemerintah Belanda. Namun, tahun ini kita akan membeli tank langsung dari negara pembuatnya (Jerman)," kata Tb Hasanuddin.

Pemerintah Belanda mengurungkan niatnya untuk menjual sistem peralatan pertahanan ke Indonesia karena mendapat kecaman dari parlemen Belanda.

Jakarta (B2B) - Army Chief of Staff General Pramono Edhie Wibowo said a total of 164 German-made tanks ordered by the Indonesian government will be delivery before October 5 this year.

"The procurement (of tanks) continues as planned. We hope they will be delivery before October 5," he said following a limited meeting on defense affairs at the presidential office here on Wednesday.

Late last year, the Indonesia Defense Ministry signed a contract with Rheinmetall AG, international technology group of Germany automotive components and defense equipment, for the supply of Leopard main battle tanks.

The contract for the supply of tanks also carries an agreement signed in November 2012 on the transfer of technology. Under the contract, Indonesia will buy Leopard Ri and A24 and medium-sized Marder tank weighing 33 tons.

Indonesia for the first time discussed a plan to buy the tanks with the German company when Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Indonesia last year.

Steffen Seibert, Merkel`s spokesman, said Indonesia is Germany`s important partner, referring to a statement by Merkel who praised Indonesia for being a role model for religious pluralism.

Legislator Tubagus Hasanudin of the House Commission I overseeing defense affairs said he supports the purchase of German-made tanks the more so because Indonesia failed to receive a number of second-hand Leopard tanks from the Dutch government in the middle of last year.

"The Defense Ministry knows what is the best for our country. Last year, Indonesia almost received tanks from the Dutch government. However, this year we will buy tanks directly from their producer (Germany)," he said.

The Dutch government dropped a plan to sell the military`s armament system to Indonesia after they had come under fire from their parliament.