Ferry Irawan Minum Madu Setiap Hari

Ferry Irawan Drinks Honey Daily

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Ferry Irawan Minum Madu Setiap Hari
Ferry Irawan (Foto: kapanlagi.com)

AKTOR Ferry Irawan selalu menyimpan madu sebagai alternatif pengganti obat-obatan. Hal itu dilakukan sejak dirinya masih belia. Maklum, dari kecil ia menderita darah rendah sehingga kondisinya harus selalu stabil.

“Intinya saya tidak boleh kecapekan dan telat makan. Untuk mengantisipasi itu biasanya saya selalu sedia madu. Cukup dua atau tiga sendok sehari membuat tubuh saya menjadi bugar,” kata Ferry Irawan di Jakarta.

Madu yang dikonsumsi pemain film ‘The Police’ ini pun harus memiliki kualitas terbaik. Maklum, saat ini banyak madu-madu yang dijual tanpa kejelasan dari mana asalnya. Untuk menghindari salah beli madu, bapak dua anak ini punya langganan sendiri.

“Kita sudah ada yang antar. Jadi kalau stok habis, sudah aman. Madu yang kita pesan pun punya standar bagus,” terangnya.

Ferry mengaku, ia dan keluarganya selalu membiasakan minum madu setiap hari. Ia juga selalu mengutamakan madu ketimbang mengonsumsi obat.

ACTOR Ferry Irawan always keep honey as an alternative to medicine. This has been done since he was still young. Understandably, since he was a kid, he has suffered low blood pressure, therefore, his condition always have to be stable.   

“The point is, I am not allowed to be tired or to eat late. To overcome this usually I always have honey available. One or two spoons a day is enough to make my body fill fit,” said Irawan, in Jakarta.

Honey consumed by the film star of ‘The Police’ has to be of the best quality. Understandably, there are a lot of types of honey being sold, without clearly knowing its origin. To avoid buying the wrong type of honey, this father of two, has its own subscriber.   

“It is delivered to us regularly. Therefore it is safe if we run out of stock. The honey that we order is of good standard,” he explained. 

Ferry admits, he and his family always make it habit of drinking honey daily. He also prioritizes drinking honey as apposed to consuming medicine.