Keith Richard dan Sederet Rocker Pembuat Onar, Ini Fakta-faktanya

We Take a Look Notorious Rockers Who Caused Far Worse Hotel Mayhem

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Keith Richard dan Sederet Rocker Pembuat Onar, Ini Fakta-faktanya
Arah jarum jam: Keith Moon, Keith Richard, Billy Idol dan Rod Stewart (tengah) Foto: The Sun

DARI aksi liar Keith Moon hingga tindakan nekat Billy Idol dan sejumlah kegilaan rocker top dunia, The Sun mengungkap bagaimana bintang rock n' roll kerap menjadi berita utama media massa terkemuka di mancanegara.

ROCKER Rod Stewart kini bisa bisa menginap di Holiday Inn setelah jaringan hotel tersebut mencabut larangan yang berlaku hingga 40 tahun. Namun Rod yang doyan pesta bukan tergolong tamu yang suka bertingkah aneh.

Inilah fakta-fakta dari bintang-bintang panggung musik di masa kejayaan rock n' roll.

Mendiang drummer The Who Keith Moon dikenal sebagai bintang yang kerap berulah liar.

Pada ulang tahunnya ke 20 pada 1967, drummer ini berulah dengan saling lempar makanan dan berlari bugil sehingg dikejar polisi dan menabrakkan mobilnya untuk kabur.

Akibat ulahnya, mobil kecempung kolam renang Holiday Inn, di Flint, Michigan. Dia pun kemudian dilarang menginap di jaringan hotel tersebut di seluruh dunia.

Gitaris Keith Richards adalah rocker pertama yang melempar TV dari jendela hotel.

Pada 1972, di Continental Hyatt House di LA, Keith Richard melempar televisi dari balkon di lantai sepuluh.
Peristiwa itu terekam kamera dan menjadi catatan hitam sejarah rock n' roll.

Rod bilang: "Kami akan mengosongkan ruangan, menaruh mebel di lift dan menurunkannya ke lobi. Saya pun dibebani tagihan Rp14 juta."

Drummer legendaris??? dan peminum - John Bonham menjadi ngetop lantaran ulahnya menaiki sepeda motornya di koridor hotel.

Tidak hanya para musisi yang melakukannya di Chateau Marmont di LA, tapi Bonham yang dijuluki "Bonzo" juga melakukan hal serupa di beberapa hotel AS lainnya dan band ini meninggalkan jejak TV yang rusak dan larangan seumur hidup menginap di hotel tersebut.

Bonzo diduga meminum 40 sloki vodka pada malam dia meninggal pada 1980.

Para drummer rock tampaknya memiliki sifat aneh dan liar yang cenderung merusak, dan drummer Neal Smith yang bergabung dengan Alice Cooper adalah seorang profesional.

Wartawan Bob Greene mengingatnya saat melihat dia menggulingkan mesin penjual otomatis di sebuah motel dekat New York.

Cooper sendiri mendapat masalah pada 1979 saat dia membiarkan ular peliharaannya tidur di bak mandi di Portobello Hotel di London.

Rocker punk Billy Idol yang populer lantaran lagu Rebel Yell di sebuah hotel di Thailand yang terus berulah liar hingga tiga pekan.

Pada 1989, pesta narkoba di Hotel Oriental di  Bangkok mengakibatkan kerugian hingga 200.000 poundsterling.

Billy Idol juga mengakibatkan kerusakan di dua hotel lainnya selama menginap tiga pekan di Thailand.

Akhirnya tentara dipanggil untuk menembaknya dengan senjata penenang dan mendeportasinya ke luar Thailand.

Tidak hanya legenda punk yang mengakibatkan kerugian ribuan poundsterling, mereka juga kehilangan kontrak dengan EMI.

Beberapa hari setelah menandatangani kontrak dengan label, Johnny Rotten dan grupnya dipecat karena perilaku buruk.

Fotografer Dennis Morris memotret kamar bassis Sid Vicious setelah band sedang pesta gila-gilaan seperti dilansir The Sun.

Dia mengaku: "Rasanya seperti sebuah bom jatuh dan meledak."

ROCKER Rod Stewart can now stay at the Holiday Inn after the chain lifted his 40-year ban. But party-loving Rod was far from the worst behaved guest.

Grant rollings recalls stars from the heyday of rock?’n’ roll hotel mayhem.

Late drummer Keith Moon was known for causing mayhem.

On his 20th birthday in 1967, “Moon the Loon” started a food fight then ran naked from police and nicked a car in a bid to get away.

Instead, the vehicle ended up in the pool of the Holiday Inn, in Flint, Michigan. The Who were later banned from the chain for life.

Guitarist Keith Richards was the first rocker to throw a TV out of a hotel window.

In 1972, at the Continental Hyatt House in LA, Richards’ telly went over his tenth-storey balcony.

The moment was captured on camera and went down in rock history.

The reason Rod Stewart played up at Holiday Inn hotels was staff wouldn’t serve The Faces.

Rod said: “We’d empty rooms, stick furniture in the lift and send it to the lobby. I once got a £7,000 bill.”

The band’s late keyboardist Ian McLagan also said it was impossible “to walk into the identical room in 20 different cities without wanting to hurt it, just a little”.

Legendary drummer –???and drinker – John Bonham was renowned for riding his motorbike down hotel corridors.

Not only did the late musician do it at LA’s Chateau Marmont, but “Bonzo” also got revved up at a few other US hotels and the band left a trail of broken TVs and lifetime bans in their wake.

Bonzo allegedly drank 40 shots of vodka the night he died in 1980.

Drummers seem to have a thing about damaging digs, and Alice Cooper’s sticksman Neal Smith was a pro.

Journalist Bob Greene recalled seeing him topple a 7ft vending machine at a motel near New York.

Cooper himself got into trouble in 1979 when he let his pet snake sleep in the bath at London’s Portobello Hotel.

Punk rocker Billy Idol let out a Rebel Yell in one Thailand hotel and cried more, more, more for three weeks.

In 1989, a drug-fuelled party at the Oriental Hotel in Bangkok caused £200,000 of damage.

Idol also trashed two other hotels in his three-week stay.

Eventually the army was called in to shoot him with tranquilliser guns and get the star out of the country.

NOT only did the punk legends lose thousands trashing hotels, they also lost a record deal with EMI.

Days after signing to the label, Johnny Rotten and co were fired for bad behaviour.

Photographer Dennis Morris took pictures of bassist Sid Vicious’s room after the band had been on a wrecking spree.

He said: “It was like a bomb had hit it.”