Emma `Hermione` Watson Wisuda Dikawal Ketat Polisi Bersenjata

Contrasts Emma Watson`s Stated Aim of Having `Normal` Experience as a Student

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Emma `Hermione` Watson Wisuda Dikawal Ketat Polisi Bersenjata
Pengawalan ketat polisi terhadap Emma Watson pada upacara wisuda di Brown University sangat kontras dengan pernyataannya bahwa ingin hidup ´normal´ sebagai mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi elit AS. (Foto2: MailOnline)

AKTRIS Inggris Emma Watson lulus dari Brown University pada hari Minggu (24/5).

Namun tampak istimewa karena dia diapit oleh polisi bersenjata yang mengenakan toga dan baju wisuda untuk berbaur dengan 2.000 lulusan lainnya, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Tentu kontras dengan pernyataan Emma yang pernah mengaku kepingin hidup 'normal' sebagai mahasiswi biasa.

Ibunya Jacqueline Luesby juga menghadiri upacara di Rhode Island 

Emma meraih gelar sastra Inggris setelah lima tahun menempuh kuliah di universitas tersebut.

Dia menghabiskan bagian dari masa perkuliahan di Oxford University dan sekaligus menjalani karier sebagai aktris film.

Bangga berkumpul dengan para wisudawan dan wisudawati di sekelilingnya, Emma Watson tampak seolah-olah telah mencapai cita-cita sebagai mahasiswi biasa.

Tapi penampilan bisa menipu ...

Berbeda dengan sesama para lulusan universitas lainnya, sang aktris dikawal polisi wanita bersenjata. Dan di balik pakaian polisi wanita yang menyamar sebagai wisudawati tampak menyembul pistol standar polisi.

Pengawalan ketat polisi terhadap Emma Watson pada upacara wisuda di Brown University sangat kontras dengan pernyataannya bahwa ingin hidup 'normal' sebagai mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi elit AS.

Sebelumnya, aktris berusia 24 tahun ini mengabaikan status sebagai selebritis, dan mengaku tidak pernah dimintai tanda tangan oleh para penggemarnya, katanya, semua berjalan normal.

Namun saat wisuda sebagai sarjana Sastra Inggris bersama 2.000 lulusan lainnya pada Minggu (24/5), ia ditempel ketat polisi wanita yang menyamar.

Di balik baju wisuda, sang pengawal mengenakan kemeja merah muda, celana jeans - jauh lebih praktis, tidak diragukan lagi, dari sepatu hak tinggi yang dikenakan Emma Watson. 

Ibunya, Jacqueline Luesby juga hadir untuk wisuda putrinya, yang kuliah selama lima tahun - dan terdaftar di tiga universitas.

BRITISH actress Emma Watson graduated from Brown University on Sunday (24/5)

She was flanked by an armed policewoman who wore a traditional cap and gown to blend in with the other 2,000 graduates

Contrasts Emma's stated aim of having 'normal' experience as a student

Her mother Jacqueline Luesby also attended ceremony in Rhode Island

Emma earned an English literature degree after five years at university

She spent part of her degree studying at Oxford University and also juggled her film career

Proudly collecting her degree with a friend by her side, Emma Watson looks as though she has achieved her aim of having a normal student experience.

But appearances can be deceiving...

For the fellow ‘student’ accompanying the actress to her graduation is actually an armed police guard. And beneath the undercover officer’s black graduation robe is a gun.

Miss Watson’s high-security approach to her graduation ceremony at Brown University is a marked contrast with her stated aim of having a ‘normal’ experience as a student at the elite US college.

In the past, the 24-year-old has played down her celebrity status, claiming to have never been asked for an autograph on campus – a sign, she said, of her normality.

But as she picked up her degree in English Literature alongside 2,000 other graduates on Sunday, she remained in constant sight of the undercover officer.

Underneath her graduation gown, the guard wore a pink shirt, jeans and trainers – far more practical, no doubt, than Miss Watson’s strappy heels.

Miss Watson’s high-security approach to her graduation ceremony at Brown University is a marked contrast with her stated aim of having a ‘normal’ experience as a student at the elite US college.

In the past, the 24-year-old has played down her celebrity status, claiming to have never been asked for an autograph on campus – a sign, she said, of her normality.

But as she picked up her degree in English Literature alongside 2,000 other graduates on Sunday, she remained in constant sight of the undercover officer.

Underneath her graduation gown, the guard wore a pink shirt, jeans and trainers – far more practical, no doubt, than Miss Watson’s strappy heels.

Miss Watson’s mother Jacqueline Luesby was also present for her daughter’s graduation, which came after five years – and three enrolments – at university.