Siti Badriah Ogah Komentari Foto Bugil Mirip Dirinya di Twitter

Siti Badriah Declined to Comment about Nude Photos Resemble Her on Twitter

Reporter : Roni Said
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Siti Badriah Ogah Komentari Foto Bugil Mirip Dirinya di Twitter
Foto-foto mirip Siti Badriah bugil yang beredar melalui Twitter (Foto2:

Jakarta (B2B) - Penyanyi dangdut yang melambung popularitasnya melalui lagu "Berondong Tua´ menolak berkomentar atas beredarnya foto bugil yang mirip dirinya melalui media sosial Twitter.

Ketika ditemui para wartawan pada Jumat malam (29/11) di acara penghargaan di Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Siti Badriah tampak tidak berupaya menghindar.

"Mau tanya soal awards kan?" tanya Siti Badriah.

Ketika wartawan ingin bertanya tentang foto mirip dirinya dalam keadaan bugil, ia langsung menjawab: "No comment. Nanti aja jawabannya."

Foto tersebut pertama kali beredar melalui akun Twitter @Vina787879. Dalam foto itu, wanita mirip Siti tampil telanjang.

Jakarta (B2B) - Dangdut singer is popular by the song "Old Toyboy´ refused to comment on the circulation of nude pictures that resemble herself through social media Twitter.

When met reporters on Friday night (29/11) at the awards show in Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Siti Badriah looks did not attempt to escape.

"Want to ask about awards?" asked Siti Badriah.

When reporters wanted to ask about pictures looked like her naked, she immediately replied: "No comment. Later I replied."

The pictures were first circulated through the Twitter account @ Vina787879. In the pictures, a woman who akin to Siti Badriah pose nude.