Ully Artha Meninggal Dunia, Dimakamkan Secara Islam

Ully Artha Passed Away, the Funeral in Islam

Reporter : Rahmat Kartolo
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Ully Artha Meninggal Dunia, Dimakamkan Secara Islam
Jenazah Ully Artha di rumah duka (Foto: viva.co.id)

Jakarta (B2B) - Aktris senior Ully Artha, yang memiliki nama lengkap Taruli Artha Sortiana Pangaribuan meninggal dunia pada Minggu sore (16/6) setelah menjalani serangkaian perawatan di ruang ICU RSPAD Gatot Soebroto. Pemakaman almarhumah menurut Islam di TPU Tanah Kusir, Senin (17/6) setelah menjadi mualaf tahun lalu.

"Innalillahi Wainnailaihi Rojiun. Telah meninggal dunia Ully Artha, Ibu dan tante dari mbak Indah Tamara Multifabrindo. Rest in Peace," tulis akun @aditya_PeHa.

Ully mengawali karier sebagai pemain drama di TVRI tahun 1970-an. Setelah itu, Ully juga pernah menjajal dunia model dan catwalk, namun Ully tetap setia dengan seni peran. Dengan gelar ‘Miss Teenager Metropolitan’ (1970), membuatnya diincar oleh produser Tati & Son untuk bermain dalam film Tjisadane (1971). Beberapa kali Ully berhasil mendapat nominasi dalam ajang FFI antara lain Pengemis dan Tukang Becak (1979), Kejarlah Daku Kau Kutangkap (1986), dan Potret (1991).

Semakin bertambah usia tak menghambatnya untuk tetap produktif. Ia sempat membintangi film Jagad X Code (2009) dan Bebek Belur (2010).

Jakarta (B2B) - Ully Artha senior actress, who has a full name Taruli Artha Sortiana Pangaribuan died on Sunday afternoon (16/6) after undergoing a series of treatments in the ICU Gatot Subroto Army Hospital. Funeral of the deceased according to Islam in the Tanah Kusir Cemetery, Monday (17/6) after her converted to Islam last year.

"Innalillahi Wainnailaihi Rojiun. Ully Artha has died, mother and aunt of Ms. Indh Tamara Multifabrindo. Rest in Peace," wrote @ aditya_PeHa account.

Ully began her career as a soap opera actress on TVRI in the 1970s. After that, Ully also tried the field of photo model, but Ully remains faithful to acting. With the title of ´Miss Teenager Metropolitan´ (1970), making targeted by producer Tati & Son to play in the film Tjisadane (1971). Ully was nominated several times in the event of FFI include Beggars and Pedicab (1979), Pursue Me I Catch You (1986), and Portrait (1991).

Increasing age did not hinder to remain productive. She had starred in the film Jagad X Code (2009) and Duck Belur (2010).