Roger Moore Terpercik Api Saat Syuting Film James Bond

Roger Moore Reveals How His Bottom Caught Fire while Filming The Spy Who Loved Me

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Roger Moore Terpercik Api Saat Syuting Film James Bond
Roger `James Bond` Moore bersama musuh abadinya, Richard `Jaws` Kiel serta bersama aktris Barbara Bach dan Caroline Munro (Foto2: MailOnline)

SIR ROGER Moore mengungkapkan pengalaman mengalami luka bakar serius akibat insiden di sela syuting film James Bond.

Sir Roger, 86 tahun, tersambar api saat syuting film The Spy Who Loved Me pada 1977 - salah satu dari tujuh film James Bond berjuluk '007' yang diperankannya.

Dalam adegan yang menampilkan penjahat Stromberg, dimainkan oleh Curd Jurgens, yang mengancam akan menembak James Bond di bawah meja, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Moore dan John Glen, yang mengedit film, mengenang insiden tersebut di edisi pagi melalui program BBC Radio 4's Reunion programme.

Glen mengatakan: 'Stromberg menyimpan pistol di bawah meja untuk membidik selangkangan Roger dan efek khusus yang dibuat untuk membuat ledakan gagal bekerja. Tapi dia terlambat menyadarinya dan api mengenai celana yang dikenakan Roger."

Moore menambahkan: "Saya benar-benar terbakar dan akibatnya sangat menyakitkan. Saya harus minta tolong adik saya setiap hari dan menggosoknya dengan Vaseline untuk mengobatinya."

Britt Ekland juga 'ikut terpercik api' saat syuting film The Man With Golden Gun pada 1974.

Kata Britt Ekland: "Roger dan saya diberitahu kapan tepatnya terjadi ledakan saat syuting."

SIR ROGER Moore reveal he became the man with the golden bum after a blunder while filming James Bond.

Sir Roger, 86, caught fire during the shooting of the 1977 movie The Spy Who Loved Me – one of seven times he played Bond.

In the scene the villain Stromberg, played by Curd Jurgens, threatens to shoot Bond under the table.

Moore and John Glen, who edited the film, recall the incident in this morning’s edition of BBC Radio 4’s Reunion programme.

Glen said: ‘Stromberg has a gun under the table aimed at Roger’s crotch and at a certain time the special-effects man was to make the explosion. But he mistimed it and it finished up with Roger running around the set with his trousers alight.’

Moore added: ‘I was seriously on fire and it was terrible pain. I had to go to the sister every day and have Vaseline dressings changed on my rear end.’

Britt Ekland also ‘singed her bottom’ making the 1974 film The Man With The Golden Gun.

She said: ‘Roger and I were told exactly the timing between each explosion.'