Alan Rickman Pemerarn Severus Snape di `Harry Potter` Meninggal Dunia

Harry Potter Star Alan Rickman, 69, has Died after Secret Battle with Cancer

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Alan Rickman Pemerarn Severus Snape di `Harry Potter` Meninggal Dunia
Alan Rickman menjelang akhir hidupnya, puncak karier sebagai Profesor Snape di film Harry Potter dan melambung namanya berkat peran sebagai Sheriff of Nottingham di Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Foto2: MailOnline)

ALAN RICKMAN meninggal dunia pada usia 69 tahun akibat mengidap kanker, seperti diumumkan pihak keluarga hari ini.

Aktor Inggris, dikenal karena perannya dalam film-film laris seperti Harry Potter dan Robin Hood, terus berjuang dengan penyakit mematikan sebelum meninggal dunia.

Dia mengungkapkan tahun lalu bahwa ia diam-diam menikah dengan pasangannya Rima Horton, setelah berhubungan sejak 1977, dalam sebuah upacara pernikahan di New York pada 2012.

Keluarganya mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan hari ini: 'Aktor dan sutradara Alan Rickman meninggal dunia karena kanker pada usia 69. Dia didampingi oleh keluarga dan teman-teman."

Rickman, yang dilahirkan dalam sebuah keluarga kelas pekerja di London, memulai karir aktingnya di panggung sebelum muncul di pentas Hollywood.

Ia menjadi salah satu penjahat paling terkenal di dunia hiburan - muncul sebagai Hans Gruber di Die Hard, Sheriff of Nottingham di Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves dan Profesor Snape di film Harry Potter, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Aktor kawakan ini juga terkenal melalui film Truly,Madly, Deeply, Sense and Sensibility dan Love Actually, di mana ia berpasangan dengan Emma Thompson yang berulang kali tampil sebagai istrinya di layar perak.

Pemimpin Partai Buruh Jeremy Corbyn melalui Twitter mengatakan: 'Sangat sedih mendengar bahwa Alan Rickman meninggal dunia. Salah satu aktor terbesar dari generasinya. Ucapan duka cita bagi keluarga dan rekan-rekan dekatnya."

Penulis Tony Parsons menambahkan: 'Alan Rickman menambahkan sentuhan berkelas pada berbagai peran di film yang dibintanginya."

Aktor Inggris Stephen Fry mengatakan: 'Kabar sangat menyedihkan tentang Alan Rickman. Seorang pria penuh bakat, pesona sebagai tokoh jahat dan peran yang menakjubkan dan kehadiran panggung. Dia akan sangat dirindukan."

Boy George adalah salah satu dari tokoh yang terpesona pada peran Rickman sebagai Snape, mengatakan di Twitter: 'Selamat tinggal Alan Rickman. Anda tampil jenius di Harry Potter.'

Beberapa penggemar menyebutkan bahwa Rickman wafat hanya beberapa hari setelah David Bowie, yang juga meninggal di usia 69 setelah diam-diam melawan kanker.

Lahir di di Acton, London, pada 1946 dari keluarga kelas pekerja, Rickman mengikuti pendidikan di Chelsea College of Art dan Design dan Royal College of Art, sebelum bekerja sebagai desainer grafis untuk surat kabar radikal Notting Hill Herald.

Bersama kedua rekannya, ia membuka studio desain grafis tetapi, tiga tahun kemudian, dia memutuskan untuk memilih berkarier sebagai aktor film. Ia kemudian mengikuti studi di sekolah bergengsi RADA di London, dan lulus pada 1974.

Pada 1982, penonton televisi Inggris barulah mengenal Alan Rickman sebagai Pendeta Obadiah Slope di film BBC yang diadaptasi dari Barchester Towers, yang dikenal sebagai Barchester Chronicles.

Karirnya telah diisi dengan berbagai macam peran. Pada 1992, ia menjadi 'pembawa acara' di acara Mike Oldfield's album Tubulur Bells II.

Dia memainkan peran romantis sebagai Kolonel Brandon di Sense and Sensibility, Jamie di  Truly, Madly, Deepy dan tokoh antagonis di Hollywood sebagai Hollywood, seperti Hans Gruber di Die Hard dan Sheriff of Nottingham di Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

Ia terakhir bermain sebagai pakar ramuan racun Severus Snape di Harry Potter.

ALAN RICKMAN has died at the age of 69 after waging a secret battle with cancer, his family said today.

The British actor, known for his roles in films such as Harry Potter and Robin Hood, kept his fight with illness private before his death.

He revealed last year that he had secretly married his long-term partner Rima Horton, whom he had been in a relationship with since 1977, in a New York ceremony in 2012.

His family said in a statement today: 'The actor and director Alan Rickman has died from cancer at the age of 69. He was surrounded by family and friends.'

Rickman, who was born into a working-class family in London, began his acting career on the stage before graduating to Hollywood films.

He became one of the best-known villains in showbiz - appearing as Hans Gruber in Die Hard, the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and Professor Snape in the Harry Potter films.

The actor's other well-known films include Truly, Madly, Deeply, Sense and Sensibility and Love Actually, in which he played the wife of his frequent collaborator Emma Thompson.

Public figures were quick to pay tribute to Mr Rickman after the news of his unexpected death was announced today.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said on Twitter: 'Very sad to hear that Alan Rickman has passed away. One of the greatest actors of his generation. My thoughts are with his family and friends.'

Author Tony Parsons added: 'Alan Rickman added a touch of class to everything he touched.'

And Stephen Fry said: 'What desperately sad news about Alan Rickman. A man of such talent, wicked charm and stunning screen and stage presence. He'll be sorely missed.'

Boy George was one of many to highlight Rickman's role as Snape, tweeting: 'Goodbye Alan Rickman. You were genius in Harry Potter.'

Several fans mentioned that Rickman's death came just a few days after that of David Bowie, who also died aged 69 after secretly fighting cancer.

Born in in Acton, London, in 1946 to a working class family, Rickman attended the Chelsea College of Art and Design and the Royal College of Art, before working as a graphic designer for the radical newspaper the Notting Hill Herald.

With two friends, he opened a graphic design studio but, three years later, he decided to persue acting full time. He was awarded a place at the presitigous RADA school in London, leaving in 1974.

In 1982, British television audiences came to know Alan Rickman as the Reverend Obadiah Slope in the BBC's adaptation of Barchester Towers, known as the Barchester Chronicles.

His career has been filled with a wide variety of roles. In 1992, he was the 'master of ceremonies' on Mike Oldfield's album Tubulur Bells II albim,

He has played romantic leads like Colonel Brandon in Sense and Sensibility, Jamie in Truly, Madly, Deepy and numerous villians in Hollywood blockbusters, such as Hans Gruber in Die Hard and the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

He most recently played potions master Severus Snape in Harry Potter.