Bandara Lisabon Ditutup Lantaran Pesawat Hantam Keras Landasan Pacu

Passenger Plane `Bounced Twice` and Forced the Lisbon Airport to Close

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Bandara Lisabon Ditutup Lantaran Pesawat Hantam Keras Landasan Pacu
sekitar 50 kaki sebelum menyentuh landasan, pesawat dihantam angin di bagian bawah pesawat dan ´terlempar ketika menyentuh landasan pacu´ yang mengakibatkan dua benturan keras (Foto2: MailOnline)

BANDARA internasional Lisabon di ibukota Portugal terpaksa ditutup selama beberapa jam setelah sebuah pesawat penumpang melakukan pendaratan yang mengakibatkan kerusakan pada landing gear dan puing-puing berserakan di landasan pacu.

Insiden tersebut, yang terjadi pada 22 Oktober, dilaporkan melihat pesawat yang dioperasikan maskapai TAP memantul dua kali di landasan sebelum akhirnya berhenti.

Ada 20 penumpang dan empat awak kapal pada saat itu dan semua penumpang berhasil dievakuasi dari pesawat tanpa ada yang terluka.

Menurut Aviation Herald, pesawat dengan nomor penerbangan TP1971 sedang melakukan perjalanan dari Porto ke Lisabon pada saat itu.

Pesawat, dari jenis Avions de Transport Regional ATR-72-212A, memantul setelah menyentuh landasan menurut laporan, yang menyebabkan roda-roda pada roda gigi pendaratan meledak.

Kemudian dilaporkan terpental lagi sebelum akhirnya mendarat pada pendaratan ketiga.

Pengawas lalu lintas udara mengumumkan bahwa landasan pacu akan ditutup karena puing-puing saat pesawat 'terbentur' landasan mengakibatkan nose gear hancur menurut laporan Aviation Herald.

Surat kabar Portugal, Publico mengungkapkan bahwa insiden tersebut terjadi pada pukul 22:35 waktu setempat.

Kedua landasan pacu di Bandara Humberto Delgado Lisabon ditutup.

Salah satu landasan pacu dibersihkan pada pukul 0:15 pada 23 Oktober sedangkan landasan pacu kedua baru dioperasikan kembali pada 05:19 menurut Publico.

Namun, lima penerbangan harus dialihkan ke Porto dan Faro sementara dua penerbangan lainnya harus dijadwal ulang.

Situs berita Portugal Observador melaporkan bahwa Departemen Pencegahan dan Investigasi Kecelakaan Penerbangan Portugal (GPIAA) sedang menyelidiki insiden tersebut.

Meskipun tidak ada temuan awal yang diumumkan, seorang penyidik di bandara mengatakan landing gear pada hidung dan di kiri sisi pesawat itu patah, menurut laporan tersebut.

Menurut pernyataan yang dikeluarkan kepada pers Portugal, maskapai telah mengonfirmasi bahwa penumpang dan awak pesawat yang terluka dan mampu untuk turun dari pesawat dapat melanjutkan perjalanan mereka.

Alvaro Neves, direktur di GPIAA, yang dikonfirmasi oleh Travel MailOnline menyatakan bahwa sedang dilakukan penyelidikan intensif.

Neves mengatakan bahwa penyebab insiden tersebut mungkin akibat cuaca buruk saat akan mendarat sesuai dengan hasil penyelidikan awal GPIAA.

Dia menjelaskan bahwa sekitar 50 kaki sebelum menyentuh landasan, pesawat dihantam angin di bagian bawah pesawat dan 'terlempar ketika menyentuh landasan pacu' yang mengakibatkan dua benturan keras.

Pada benturan kedua, ban pada nose gear terlepas sebelum akhirnya pesawat dapat mendarat seperti dilansir MailOnline.

LISBON Airport was forced to close for several hours after a passenger plane made a hard landing that 'crushed' its landing gear and left debris scattered across the runway.

The incident, on October 22, reportedly saw the TAP operated aircraft bouncing twice on the runway before finally coming to a stop.

There were 20 passengers and four crew on board at the time and all were said to have disembarked the flight without injury.

According to the Aviation Herald, flight TP1971 was travelling from Porto to Lisbon at the time.

The plane, an Avions de Transport Regional ATR-72-212A, bounced after the first touchdown according to the report, which caused the wheels on the nose landing gears to burst.

It then reportedly bounced again before finally landing on the third touchdown.

Air traffic control announced that the runway would be closed due to debris as the plane had 'crushed' its nose gear according to the Aviation Herald report.

Portugal's Publico paper revealed that the incident took place at 10.35pm local time.

Both runways at Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport were shut down.

One of the runways was cleared by 12.15am on October 23 while the second was also made available from 5.19am according to Publico.

However, five flights had to be diverted to Porto and Faro while two other flights were rescheduled.

Portuguese website Observador reported that the Portugal's Aviation Accidents Prevention and Investigation Department (GPIAA) was investigating the incident.

Although no preliminary findings have been released, an investigator at the airport said the landing gear on the nose and left hand side of the plane had collapsed, according to the report.

According to a statement issued to Portuguese press, the airline has confirmed that the passengers and crew on board the flight were unharmed and were able to disembark the flight and continue with their journeys.

Alvaro Neves, director at GPIAA, confirmed with MailOnline Travel that a full investigation was taking place.

Neves said that the cause of the incident is likely to have been adverse weather during the final approach according to the preliminary investigation by the GPIAA.

He explained that, at about 50ft from the touchdown, the aircraft suffered from the effects of a down draft and was ‘thrown against the runway’, which then led to the two bounces.

On the second bounce, the tyres of the nose gear loosened before the aircraft finally landed on the third touchdown.

He added: ‘The aircraft rolled on the main landing gear and on the front leg of the nose gear, opening a trench on the runway surface.’