Pasar Saham Shanghai dan Tokyo Kembali Terjungkal Akibat `Keruntuhan China`

Great Fall of China: Shanghai and Tokyo Markets Plummet for a Second Day

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Pasar Saham Shanghai dan Tokyo Kembali Terjungkal Akibat `Keruntuhan China`
Pagi ini, saham Shanghai kembali anjlok 6,41% pada awal perdagangan, sementara saham Tokyo juga turun 4,13% (Foto & Data: MailOnline)

KEPANIKAN melanda perekonomian dunia akibat pelambatan ekonomi China yang berdampak hebat pada pasar keuangan global, terjadi akibat pasar saham China anjlok 8,5% hanya dalam sehari. Pagi ini, saham Shanghai anjlok 6,41% pada awal perdagangan.

Dana hampir 75 miliar poundsterling dari perusahaan-perusahaan terkemuka di Inggris menguap kemarin, yang disebut sebagai hari terburuk bagi pasar saham London sejak Maret 2009 - ancaman menuju Resesi Besar.

Aksi melepas saham - terjadi di seluruh pasar saham Asia, Eropa, dan Amerika Serikat - terjadi setelah pasar saham China anjlok 8,5% dan disebut sebagai 'Kejatuhan Terbesar China'. Para analis keuangan menggambarkannya sebagai 'hari kepanikan terbesar' di pasar global.

Pagi ini, saham Shanghai kembali anjlok 6,41% pada awal perdagangan, sementara saham Tokyo juga turun 4,13%.

Indeks Komposit Shanghai melorot 3,004.13 poin di menit pertama perdagangan, terkoreksi 4,33% pada saat break. Indeks Komposit Shenzhen saham juga merosot lebih dari 6% pada awal perdagangan.

Senin malam, Kanselir George Osborne memperingatkan bahwa Inggris 'tidak kebal' terhadap krisis, seperti dilansir MailOnline.

Dan mantan Menteri Keuangan AS, Larry Summers pada Senin malam memperingatkan ancaman terhadap ekonomi global, katanya hal itu 'dapat menjadi tahap awal dari situasi yang sangat serius' - seperti pada 2008 ketika sistem perbankan dunia di ambang keruntuhan.

Dia meyakini semalam bahwa lebih dari satu triliun dolar AS menguap dari nilai saham di seluruh dunia dan dinyatakan sebagai 'Black Monday'.

Ada spekulasi bahwa kerapuhan dari ekonomi dunia dapat menunda langkah Bank of England untuk menaikkan suku bunga dalam beberapa  bulan mendatang.

Osborne memperingatkan 'sifat terbuka Inggris' yang saat ini menikmati investasi miliaran poundsterling dari China, menyiratkan langkah pemulihan ekonomi masuk kategori bahaya.

Dan dia mengatakan kondisi turbulen menegaskan kebutuhan untuk memulihkan kondisi finansial Inggris. "Semua orang prihatin terhadap pasar keuangan Asia," kata Osborne saat berkunjung ke Helsinki.

Kekhawatiran terhadap pelambatan ekonomi dan kondisi pasar saham China telah dikhawatirkan sejak berbulan-bulan lalu. Pemerintah komunis yang campur tangan dalam beberapa hari terakhir untuk mengatasi kondisi perekonomian dengan mendevaluasi mata uangnya.

Namun kemarin dampak devaluasi sangatlah mengejutkan. Indeks FTSE 100 jatuh hingga 6,6% sebelum ditutup 288,78 poin atau 4,67% di 5.898,87 kemarin.

Akibatnya 73,9 miliar poundsterling menguap dari nilai saham perusahaan blue-chip di Inggris seperti Vodafone dan British Petroleum hingga Rolls-Royce dan Marks & Spencer.

FTSE yang dijuluki The Footsie kini berada di tingkat terendah sejak akhir 2012 setelah kehilangan 214,2 miliar poundsterling dari total saham hanya dalam 10 hari - aksi jual terpanjang dalam sejarah merosotnya nilai saham selama 11 hari pada Januari 2003. Hal ini mengakibatkan 17% dari nilai saham atau 308,3 miliar poundsterling sejak menghantam semua saham bernilai tinggi di atas 7100 hanya empat bulan yang lalu.

Ini adalah bencana bagi sebagian besar pekerja yang tergantung pada dana pensiunnya. Dana pensiun mereka yang diinvestasikan di pasar saham melalui terkait dengan Footsie.

David Madden, seorang analis pasar di perusahaan perdagangan City IG, mengatakan: 'Kepanikan yang dimulai di Cina sangat menular. Pasar saham Eropa telah hancur oleh rasa takut bahwa China akan runtuh. Lautan merah di layar perdagangan mengingatkan krisis kredit. Dealer tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan karena pasar bergerak sangat besar dan tidak menentu. "

Kekacauan di London bergema di Eropa di mana Dax anjlok 4,7 persen di Frankfurt dan Cac turun 5,4 persen di Paris. Di Wall Street, Dow Jones Industrial Average anjlok lebih dari 1.000 poin pada awal perdagangan sebelum memicu beberapa kerugian.

Jeremy Cook, kepala ekonom di perusahaan mata uang World First, menggambarkannya sebagai 'hari panik besar' di pasar global akibat kekalahan di Cina mengirimkan gelombang kejutan di seluruh dunia.

Mike McCudden, seorang analis di broker saham Interaktif Investor, mengatakan: 'Dampak The Great Fall of China akan diingat sebagai mimpi buruk dari investor di seluruh dunia. Kami telah menyaksikan pembantaian ketika indeks ekuitas di seluruh dunia jatuh seperti kartu domino.'

David Buik, analis pasar di broker saham Panmure Gordon, mengatakan: 'Kondisi akan tetap sangat fluktuatif sampai Natal. Ini adalah berita putus asa bagi nasabah bank dan pemilik dana pensiun."

Pasar khawatir pada penurunan tajam dalam perekonomian Cina serta prospek suku bunga yang lebih tinggi di AS dan Inggris dan krisis di Yunani.

Cina adalah ekonomi terbesar kedua di dunia - dan pasar ekspor terbesar keenam di Inggris.

PANIC OVER over China's slowing economy tore through global financial markets. Came after the Chinese stock market plunged 8.5 per cent in a single day. This morning, Shanghai stocks tumbled 6.41 per cent in early trading.
Markets have plummeted in Asian markets for a second day as China's slowing economy continues to tear through financial markets around the world. 

Nearly £75billion was wiped off the value of Britain’s leading companies yesterday, on what was the worst day for the London stock market since March 2009 – in the depths of the Great Recession.

The sell-off – which was mirrored across Asia, Europe and the United States – came after the Chinese stock market plunged 8.5 per cent on what was named as ‘The Great Fall Of China’. Analysts described ‘a day of massive panic’ on global markets.

This morning, Shanghai stocks tumbled a further 6.41 per cent in early trading, while Tokyo shares also fell 4.13 per cent. 

The Shanghai Composite Index fell to 3,004.13 in the first minutes of trading, but were down 4.33 percent by the break. The smaller Shenzhen Composite Index also slumped more than 6 percent in early trading.

Elsewhere, other Asian markets were rebounding with Japan's Nikkei reversing early losses and rising 0.5 per cent to 18,620.89. Hong Kong's Hang Seng added 1.1 per cent while South Korean and Australian stocks also gained.

Last night, Chancellor George Osborne warned that Britain was ‘not immune’ from the crisis, which he described as a ‘cause for real concern’.

And former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers last night sounded the alarm about the threat to the global economy, saying it ‘could be in the early stages of a very serious situation’ – as it was in 2008 when the banking system stood on the brink of collapse.

It was believed last night that more than one trillion US dollars (£634billion) had been wiped from the value of shares worldwide on what other commentators described yesterday as ‘Black Monday’.

There was speculation that the fragile nature of the world economy could delay any move by the Bank of England to raise interest rates in the coming months.

Mr Osborne warned the ‘open’ nature of Britain’s economy, which now enjoys billions of pounds of investment from China, meant the recovery could be put in jeopardy.

And he said the turbulent conditions underlined the need for restoring order to Britain’s battered public finances. ‘Everyone’s concerned about the situation in Asian financial markets,’ Mr Osborne said during a visit to Helsinki.

Concern about China’s slowing economy and over-inflated stock market has been growing for months. Its communist government has intervened in recent days to try to take the heat out of the situation by devaluing its currency.

But yesterday the bubble appeared to burst. The FTSE 100 index tumbled as much as 6.6 per cent before closing down 288.78 points or 4.67 per cent at 5898.87 yesterday.

The slump wiped £73.9billion off the value of blue chip companies as household names from Vodafone and BP to Rolls-Royce and Marks & Spencer saw their share prices slashed.

The Footsie is now at its lowest level since the end of 2012 having lost £214.2billion of value in just ten days – the second longest sell-off in history following an 11-day slump in January 2003. It has lost 17 per cent of its value or £308.3billion since hitting an all-time high above 7100 just four months ago.

It is a disaster for the vast majority of workers with pensions. Their nest eggs are exposed to the stock market through funds linked to the Footsie.

David Madden, a market analyst at City trading firm IG, said: ‘The panic that started in China is highly contagious. European stock markets have been crushed by the fear that China is about to crumble. The sea of red on trading screens is reminiscent of the credit crisis. Dealers don’t know what to do with themselves because the market moves are so enormous and erratic.’

The mayhem in London was echoed in Europe where the Dax tumbled 4.7 per cent in Frankfurt and the Cac was down 5.4 per cent in Paris. On Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled more than 1,000 points in early trading before clawing back some of the losses.

Jeremy Cook, chief economist at currency firm World First, described it as ‘a day of massive panic’ on global markets as the rout in China sent shockwaves around the world.

Mike McCudden, an analyst at stock broker Interactive Investor, said: ‘The impact of The Great Fall of China will be remembered in the nightmares of investors the world over. We have witnessed carnage as equity indices the world over fell like dominoes.’

David Buik, a markets analyst at stock broker Panmure Gordon, said: ‘Conditions will remain very volatile up until Christmas. This is such dispiriting news for savers and pensioners.’

Markets have been spooked by a sharp slowdown in the Chinese economy as well as the prospect of higher interest rates in the US and the UK and the crisis in Greece.

China is the world’s second largest economy – and Britain’s sixth biggest export market.